Day 2
Ignacio San Gabriel knocked out in 18th place

A three way raised pot headed to flop 8♣ Q♥ 5♦ . Big blind Ignacio San Gabriel led out for 500,000 and called small blind Ronato Alcano’s check raise for 1,000,000 more. On turn 6♥ , Alcano bet all-in Ignacio with a call for his 2,000,000 behind. Alcano reveals Q♦ 8♦ for two pair to leave Ignacio’s Q♣ J♠ drawing slim. The river 8♥ sealed the win for Alcano, knocking out his opponent entirely.
Player | Chips |
RA Ronato Alcano | 9,700,000(162 BB) |
IS Ignacio San Gabriel | busted |
Current big stacks
Player | Chips |
2,700,000(68 BB) | |
2,400,000(60 BB) | |
PW Patrick Wahlquist | 2,300,000(58 BB) |
IS Ignacio San Gabriel | 2,200,000(55 BB) |
MB Mariano Balfagon | 2,100,000(53 BB) |
CJ Chung Ju Won | 2,000,000(50 BB) |
CK Chogo Kento | 1,950,000(49 BB) |
RA Ronato Alcano | 1,850,000(46 BB) |
KK Kim Kihyung Bok | 1,700,000(43 BB) |
BJ Bang Jongmoon | 1,600,000(40 BB) |
RG Raymundo Gomez | 1,500,000(38 BB) |
Ignacio San Gabriel chips up with kings

Ignacio San Gabriel opens, Kim Gwanwoo three-bets, big blind Iwabe Rikuya four-bets all in, both players call. Ignacio ships as Kim goes bust.
Player | Hand | Chips |
A♦T♠ | 775,000(39 BB) | |
KG Kim Gwanwoo | T♦T♥ | 150,000(8 BB) |
IS Ignacio San Gabriel | K♠K♣ | 900,000(45 BB) |
Flight C
Ignacio San Gabriel storms to the lead

Utg+1 opened to 10,000 and was met with a three bet to 20,000 from button Ignacio San Gabriel. Big blind Lester Edoc cold calls, urging the original raiser to push all-in for 226,000. Both opponents call and sees three stacks in the middle on board 3♣ 7♥ Q♦ K♣ 4♠ .
Ignacio way ahead, soars to chip lead status with his top set easily delivering a double elimination.
Player | Hand | Chips |
IS Ignacio San Gabriel | K♥K♦ | 583,000(117 BB) |
Q♣9♣ | busted | |
X | A♦T♦ | busted |
Ignacio San Gabriel claims the pot

A three way raised pot headed to flop T♣ 6♣ Q♣ . Small blind Ignacio San Gabriel led for 20,000, called by button Pam Song Hau. On turn 4♦ , Ignacio churned out another 20,000, enough to convince Pam to throw in the fold.
Player | Chips |
IS Ignacio San Gabriel | 280,000(56 BB) |
182,000(36 BB) |