Flight B
Richard Marquez rails Christian Balfagon again

Having just doubled up, Christian Balfagon tumbles again and for the second time it is Richard Marquez cleaning him out. The hand opens with a 3000 raise by Balfagon that's called by the button and big blind Marquez. On the flop 5♣ 3♥ 9♣ , Balfagon bet 10,000, button folds, Marquez check-raises 25,000, Balfagon three-bet jams, Marquez calls.
Christian Balfagon J♥ 9♠ top pair
Richard Marquez T♣ 2♣ draw
The turn J♣ improves both and with the river A♣ , Marquez's flush bests Balfagon's two pair.
Player | Chips |
110,000(275 BB) | |
CB Christian Balfagon | busted |
Christian Balfagon strikes back

After falling to Richard Marquez's aces, Christian Balfagon has re-entered and finds a double up against his nemesis. Marquez opens 1000 hijack Balfagon calls then jams the flop 6♦ 4♥ 2♦ . Marquez calls and shows Q♣ 6♣ and is outkicked by Balfagon's A♠ 6♥ . The turn J♣ and river 3♥ are no help to Marquez and Balfagon ships it.
Player | Chips |
59,000(148 BB) | |
CB Christian Balfagon | 51,000(128 BB) |
Christian Balfagon jams into Richard Marquez's aces

Heavy preflop action opens with utg 1400 raise, next to act Richard Marquez three-bets 2700, hijack Christian Balfagon four-bets 4000, utg folds, Marquez flats. Both players check the flop 3♥ 9♣ J♦ , then on the K♥ turn, Balfagon jams 35,000, Marquez check-calls.
Christian Balfagon A♣ T♣
Richard Marquez A♦ A♥
The river T♥ pairs up Balfagon but still far behind Marquez's aces.
Player | Chips |
112,000(280 BB) | |
CB Christian Balfagon | busted |
Richard Marquez folds to Christian Balfagon

Utg Christian Balfagon opens 2000, button calls, big blind Richard Marquez also defends. At the flop Q♠ 3♠ 4♣ , Balfagon c-bets 4000, only Marquez calls to head to the turn 8♥ to which no bets land. The river A♣ , Marquez leads out 8000 then folds to Balfagon's 16,000 raise.
Player | Chips |
72,000(240 BB) | |
CB Christian Balfagon | 61,000(203 BB) |