Blind level
Level 17: 3,000 / 6,000 ante: 6,000
Total Chips
Flight B
12/2/2024, 3:28:18 PM
Akihiro Kawaguchi Next To Fall
Level 14: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000

Picking up the action on the turn 8♦ 3♣ A♥ 4♥ and 32,000 in the middle, we see Francisco Sanchez check-call Akihiro Kawaguchi's 59,000 all-in, flip over T♣ 4♣ and be rewarded by seeing his opponent's king-high K♣ 6♦ with a 9♦ on the river, taking down a massive pot with 2nd lowest pair.
Player | Chips |
FS Francisco Sanchez | 224,000(75 BB) |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | busted |
12/2/2024, 1:37:36 PM
Current Top Stack
Level 10: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200

Player | Chips |
ID Ivan Dela Cruz | 166,000(138 BB) |
SD Siavasch Dastmalchi | 130,000(108 BB) |
WK William Kang | 124,000(103 BB) |
MI Masanori Ishihara | 124,000(103 BB) |
AC Anthony Castro | 123,500(103 BB) |
EA Edgar Asehan | 121,000(101 BB) |
EH Edward Halmarack | 113,500(95 BB) |
RJ Rintalahti Jussi | 110,000(92 BB) |
MH Mark Hebron (3) | 109,000(91 BB) |
JO Jin Okuhara | 107,500(90 BB) |
RY Robert Yamashita | 107,500(90 BB) |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | 90,500(75 BB) |
BW Bryan Wong (2) | 89,500(75 BB) |
DB Dmitrii Belikov | 82,500(69 BB) |
12/2/2024, 11:32:26 AM
Chip Count Update
Level 5: 300 / 600 ante: 600

Player | Chips |
DB Dmitrii Belikov | 101,500(169 BB) |
MI Masanori Ishihara | 91,000(152 BB) |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | 90,000(150 BB) |
KS Kim Seongjin | 75,100(125 BB) |
NV Ngoc Vu (2) | 67,500(113 BB) |
AS Asano Shoko | 66,000(110 BB) |
65,000(108 BB) | |
YF Yujiro Fukushima | 64,400(107 BB) |
RJ Rintalahti Jussi | 60,000(100 BB) |
JO Jin Okuhara | 58,000(97 BB) |
57,000(95 BB) | |
CH Claude Henoud | 57,000(95 BB) |
SL Seoha Lee | 55,100(92 BB) |
EA Edgar Asehan | 51,200(85 BB) |
SA Shinnosuke Arima | 48,900(82 BB) |
12/2/2024, 9:56:14 AM
Blind Battle Goes The Distance
Level 2: 100 / 300 ante: 300

Checked to him, Akihiro Kawaguchi slides 800 to the middle from SB and BB Minami Komaki defends. Zero action to the river T♣ 4♠ 8♣ 5♦ 4♦ has Minami Komaki table the winner J♠ 8♠ against Q♥ J♣ .
Player | Chips |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | 35,000(117 BB) |
27,000(90 BB) |
12/2/2024, 9:19:47 AM
Akihiro Kawaguchi Strikes First
Level 1: 100 / 200 ante: 200

Muhammad Shamsudin slides out the first raise of the day for 700, Finds opposition in Akihiro Kawaguchi making it 2,200 from the button and we see the flop T♣ 5♥ 9♠ . A check fold from Kawaguchi to a 2,500 c-bet ends the first hand.
Player | Chips |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | 30,500(153 BB) |
MS Muhammad Shamsudin | 26,300(132 BB) |