Flight C [Turbo]
Manuel Geronimo Knocks Out Two More

Aratea Pee Jay is starting the action with an all-in from UTG, Magnotti Joseph going over the top with a 61,500 jam of his own and button Manuel Geronimo calls off for a three way race with two players at risk.
Player | Hand | Chips |
MG Manuel Geronimo | A♥Q♦ | 360,000(60 BB) |
JM Joseph Magnotti | A♠J♣ | busted |
PJ Pee Jay Aratea | K♠Q♥ | busted |
Flight B
Player | Chips |
206,000(52 BB) | |
YA Yuhei Ando | 193,000(48 BB) |
JL Jongho Lee | 165,000(41 BB) |
CP Christopher Pasion | 164,000(41 BB) |
AT Alex Taneo | 159,000(40 BB) |
MC Marciel Cerbito | 151,000(38 BB) |
PJ Pee Jay Aratea | 141,000(35 BB) |
JC Jose Colada | 131,000(33 BB) |
JI Jester Initia | 124,000(31 BB) |
CM Christopher Mateo | 117,000(29 BB) |
WO Winifred Obedoza | 109,000(27 BB) |
Francisco Sanchez Busts
With less than two big blinds, Francisco Sanchez is all-in from HJ to the 3,000 open from +2 and Artae Pee Jay defends in BB. On the flop 9♣ K♣ 4♠ a simple 3,000 lead from Artae Pee Jay with 6♥ 4♥ is enough to go heads up against Francisco Sanchez' J♠ 8♠ with bottom pair holding on Q♣ Q♠ and we lose another player in the process.
Player | Chips |
PJ Pee Jay Aratea | 56,000(37 BB) |
FS Francisco Sanchez | busted |
Big Slick Goes To Distance
Picking up the action on 3♣ 2♦ 6♦ 9♠ with 8,000 in the pot, Aratea Pee Jay slides out 2,000 that is getting called by Obedoza Winifred to see the river 3♥ . A massive 20,000 is enough to put Obedoza Winifred all-in for 11,500 who makes the hero call with 5♠ 5♣ against A♦ K♣ and doubles up.
Player | Chips |
WO Winifred Obedoza | 39,000(78 BB) |
PJ Pee Jay Aratea | 11,000(22 BB) |