Blind level
Level 16: 2,000 / 5,000 ante: 5,000
Total Chips
Flight A
11/29/2024, 3:23:13 PM
Johnson Tan Extends His Lead
Level 14: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000

Patrick Wahlquist is all-in for 31,000 from +1, with HJ and BU calling. The flop 3♠ 4♥ 2♥ has button Johnson Tan slide out 40,000, enough to isolate and we have another player at risk.
Player | Hand | Chips |
PW Patrick Wahlquist | K♣J♠ | busted |
JT Johnson Tan | 7♠7♦ | 300,000(100 BB) |
11/29/2024, 2:26:38 PM
Blind Battle Sees Yokoo Kazuyoshi Eliminated
Level 11: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500
With the action folded to SB Yokoo Kazuyoshi the last 11,000 go in the middle with 9♠ J♦ and quickly gets called by Patrick Wahlquist with A♠ 6♣ . The dealer tables K♣ A♥ 2♥ 6♠ K♥ and Yokoo Kazuyoshi is out.
Player | Chips |
PW Patrick Wahlquist | 48,500(32 BB) |
YK Yokoo Kazuyoshi | busted |
11/29/2024, 11:22:08 AM
Patrick Wahlquist's C-bet Enough
Level 4: 200 / 500 ante: 500

Button Patrick Wahlquist three bets 4,000 with initial raiser Jeffrey Ballester in HJ and CO Jongsu Kim calling for a 5♥ A♣ T♣ flop. A 5,500 c-bet is enough for Patrick Wahlquist to pick up the chips.
Player | Chips |
PW Patrick Wahlquist | 64,000(128 BB) |
JK Jongsu Kim | 26,300(53 BB) |
JB Jeffrey Ballester | 21,700(43 BB) |