Flight B
Looi Tek Wye Jonathan Is Out

Looi Tek Wye Jonathan jams for 32,000 from +1 and finds a customer in CO Lenart Ecarma, successfully isolating to table the cards for another race.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JL Jonathan Looi Tek Wye | A♥3♣ | busted |
LE Lenart Ecarma | 5♠5♣ | 92,000(23 BB) |
Lee Suya Hits The Rail
Looi Tek Wye Jonathan starts us off with a raise to 5,000 from CO and both blinds defend with Lee Suya being all-in. The board gets checked to J♠ Q♦ 8♥ 6♣ and SB Lenart Ecarma tests the waters for 3,000. A call, the river 6♠ and another 25,000 from the SB eliminates the initial raiser and Lenart Ecarma takes all the chips with Q♠ Q♥ , sending Lee Suya home in the process.
Player | Chips |
LE Lenart Ecarma | 87,500(44 BB) |
JL Jonathan Looi Tek Wye | 52,000(26 BB) |
LS Lee Suya | busted |
Looi Tek Wye Jonathan Picks Up Small Pot

First to act slides out 1,200, +1 Winifred Obedoza calls and CO Looi Tek Wye Jonathan pumps it to 3,500 with the initial raiser exiting. The flop K♣ 2♥ 3♠ has Looi Tek Wye Jonathan continue for 1,200 which is enough to scoop the pot.
Player | Chips |
WO Winifred Obedoza | 110,000(92 BB) |
JL Jonathan Looi Tek Wye | 36,000(30 BB) |

Player | Chips |
JL Jonathan Looi Tek Wye | 90,000(150 BB) |
SC Sean Carbonneau | 83,000(138 BB) |
KK Kim Kunwoo | 71,300(119 BB) |
CC Chun-Yuan Chen | 71,300(119 BB) |
70,500(118 BB) | |
LE Lenart Ecarma | 63,500(106 BB) |
DB Dalius Balciunas | 58,300(97 BB) |
YA Yuhei Ando | 55,800(93 BB) |
WO Winifred Obedoza | 55,400(92 BB) |
NT Nohad Teliani | 53,000(88 BB) |
DP David Perreau | 48,500(81 BB) |
JI Jester Initia | 42,000(70 BB) |
Looi Tek Wye Jonathan Among The Leaders

Another UTG open for 1,000 from Shiina Tsubasa and the blinds defending once more we check around to the turn 3♠ J♠ A♦ 8♥ and see SB Aleksandr Pereslegin take the lead for 2,000. Two calls and the river 2♣ has Looi Tek Wye Jonathan slide out 10,000 to take it home.
Player | Chips |
JL Jonathan Looi Tek Wye | 70,000(175 BB) |
AP Aleksandr Pereslegin | 26,600(67 BB) |
ST Shiina Tsubasa | 18,000(45 BB) |