Blind level
Level 18: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000
Total Chips
Flight B
11/30/2024, 10:03:08 AM
Francisco Sanchez Busts
Level 11: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500
With less than two big blinds, Francisco Sanchez is all-in from HJ to the 3,000 open from +2 and Artae Pee Jay defends in BB. On the flop 9♣ K♣ 4♠ a simple 3,000 lead from Artae Pee Jay with 6♥ 4♥ is enough to go heads up against Francisco Sanchez' J♠ 8♠ with bottom pair holding on Q♣ Q♠ and we lose another player in the process.
Player | Chips |
PJ Pee Jay Aratea | 56,000(37 BB) |
FS Francisco Sanchez | busted |
11/30/2024, 8:22:50 AM
Lee I-Ting Chips Up
Level 7: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000

With a 2,200 open from CO Francisco Sanchez and a 6,000 reraise from SB Lee I-Ting the dealer reveals 3♣ 9♣ 5♦ . A simple c-bet does the trick for Lee I-Ting and we move on.
Player | Chips |
LT Lee Ting | 69,000(69 BB) |
FS Francisco Sanchez | 24,000(24 BB) |