Main Event - Day 2
Cheong ends Wee's hopes with lucky river

If it took one Singaporean to cripple Warrick Wee, it takes another Singaporean to finish the job.
Wee goes all in for his remaining 122,000 from UTG and his countryman Cheong Yun Rong makes the call in the BB.
Wee tables A♠ 9♥ and Cheong shows live card in K♣ 4♣ .
The flop brings something for both: A♦ K♠ 2♣ and the turn card of the Q♠ still looks good for an impending double up for Wee until the river card appears. It is the 4♦ .
The fortuitous two pairs on the river for Cheong knockout Wee from the Main Event.
Player | Chips |
CY Cheong Yun Rong | 618,000(39 BB) |
WW Warrick Wee (2) | busted |
BB Defense: Mirpuri cracks Wee's aces

In a battle of two Singaporeans, Warrick Wee raises from 32,000 from the +2 position and gets a call via BB defense from Rishi Mirpuri.
The flop comes J♠ 3♣ J♥ as Mirpuri checks. Wee CBets to 40,000 and Mirpuri calls.
The turn is the T♣ as Mirpuri checks again. Wee fires 75,000 to which Mirpuri responds by check-raising all-in for 238,000. Wee calls.
Mirpuri turns over J♣ 2♦ for trips on the flop while Wee shows A♥ A♦ .
Needing an ace, a ten or three to come from behind, the river is none of the above as the 5♠ shows up and turns Wee's once decent stack into an endangered species.
Player | Chips |
RM Rishi Mirpuri | 644,000(40 BB) |
WW Warrick Wee (2) | 122,000(8 BB) |
Leonarez walks into Wee's queens

Local hopeful Jessie Leonarez makes a raise to 12,000 from the +1 only to be re-raised by Warrick Wee of Singapore from the Button to 30,000. The Filipino calls.
The flop is 6♠ T♠ 6♣ as Leonarez checks. Wee makes a CBet of 40,000 to which Leonarez responds with a check-raise to 100,000. The Singaporean 4-bet shoves his last 98,000 as Leonarez makes the call.
Wee flips over Q♦ Q♠ while Leonarez shakes his head while showing 8♦ 8♣ .
The next two cards are the 2♠ T♦ and Wee gets a reprieve from being one of the tournament short stacks.
Player | Chips |
JL Jessie Leonarez | 295,000(49 BB) |
WW Warrick Wee (2) | 271,000(45 BB) |
Main Event - Flight C
The qualifiers from Day 1C of the Main Event
Meet the 38 players who advanced to Day 2
Player | Chips |
WY William Ysmael | 733,000(147 BB) |
TK Tomoya Kakihara | 469,000(94 BB) |
BW Barry Wong | 459,000(92 BB) |
ER Euryd Rivera | 376,000(75 BB) |
MI Masanori Ishihara | 367,000(73 BB) |
RA Ronald Ashley Lane | 364,000(73 BB) |
CL Craig Landry | 352,000(70 BB) |
JL Jessie Leonarez | 338,000(68 BB) |
PJ Park Jinkyu | 297,000(59 BB) |
YS Yoshifumi Sasaki | 268,000(54 BB) |
TG Terry Gonzaga | 258,000(52 BB) |
MC Moses Calma Saquing | 228,000(46 BB) |
RM Ryan Ming Hong | 226,000(45 BB) |
JH Jacky Ho | 224,000(45 BB) |
JL Jack Li-Yinding | 214,000(43 BB) |
AC Andre Cherbonnier | 202,000(40 BB) |
CL Christian Lortie | 167,000(33 BB) |
BC Bernard Chua | 155,000(31 BB) |
PS Park Se Han | 153,000(31 BB) |
WW Warrick Wee (2) | 123,000(25 BB) |
YH Yuki Homma | 122,000(24 BB) |
RM Rishi Mirpuri | 120,000(24 BB) |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | 115,000(23 BB) |
JN Jason Ng Tze Wei | 90,000(18 BB) |
MG Manuel Geronimo | 87,000(17 BB) |
YK Yujin Komagata | 86,000(17 BB) |
AL Aaron Lam Weiming | 83,000(17 BB) |
TF Tobias Fabech | 81,000(16 BB) |
KT Koji Takagi | 81,000(16 BB) |
KH Kengo Hirui | 76,000(15 BB) |
LE Lenart Ecarma | 75,000(15 BB) |
AL Alexander Lai (2) | 69,000(14 BB) |
TS Tsubaki Sannomiya | 68,000(14 BB) |
PT Paul Tadina | 58,000(12 BB) |
DB Devid Berlin | 53,000(11 BB) |
TZ Teo Zi Sheng | 51,000(10 BB) |
QA Quijano Anacleto | 22,000(4 BB) |
SS Satoshi Sugimoto | 4,000(1 BB) |