Main Event - Day 2
Misfud exits versus Nachor's cowboys

It's blind versus blind as Malta's Brandon Misfud just completes his SB against the BB of Filipino Vince Nachor. However, Nachor raises it to 13,000. Misfud tanks and calls.
The flop is 6♥ 4♣ Q♥ as Misfud checks.
The Filipino continues firing, this time for 11,000. Misfud perfroms a check-raise to 34,000 as Nachor 3-bets all-in. Misfud calls for the rest of his stack worth 132,000.
Nachor flips over K♥ K♣ while Misfud shows K♦ Q♦.
The turn produces the T♦ while the river brings the T♣ , eliminating the Maltese player.
Player | Chips |
VN Vivencio Nachor Jr. | 720,000(144 BB) |
BM Brandon Misfud | busted |
Main Event - Flight A
Misfud escapes Magsakay's domination

Brandon Mifsud of Malta had recently doubled up but dropped down again so deep that he needed another miracle double up to stay alive and found just that against Filipino ace Vam Magsakay.
In a pot originally raised to 2,000 by Hong Kong's Harish Asnani from the D, Magsakay 3-bet in the SB to 5,200. Misfud in the BB makes a 4-bet shove for his remaining 15,800 as Asnani quickly folded but got the call from Magsakay.
Misfud shows A♠ 6♣ while Magsakay brandishes A♥ K♠, completely dominating his Maltese foe.
The flop came 5♣ Q♥ A♦ but the turn was the 6♠ and Misfud never looked back as the 7♦ comes on the river.
It was the second time Misfud outdrew his opponent while being behind preflop.
Player | Chips |
BM brandon mifsud | 33,700(67 BB) |
BM Brandon Misfud | 33,000(66 BB) |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 17,000(34 BB) |
HK Harish Kumar Asnani | 12,000(24 BB) |