Day 1C

9/22/2023, 5:34:00 PM

Aoyama Takanobu pulls all-in bluff

Level 9: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200

Facing an open and a call, small blind Nino Carlo Mercado fired a three bet to 7,500 total and was called by both players. Flop came 8 4 2 , Mercado continued with another 7,500, original raiser folds, and button Aoyama Takanobu moved all-in. Mercado makes the call with overpair Q Q . Takanobu with K Q , lost his chance to win the pot after his three outer missed on runout 6 3 .

Chip Counts

160,000(133 BB)
85,000(71 BB)