Day 2

9/23/2023, 1:20:00 PM

Three way clash!

Level 16: 2,000 / 5,000 ante: 5,000

Hijack Jimmy Suico opened to 17,000 and met with an all-in from button Reynold Nicholas, and another from big blind Sugai Takafumi. Suico makes the final call and a three-way all-in is in place.

Reynold A 4 Sugai K K Suico Q Q

One overcard against two premium pairs, Reynold scored a lucky triple up after the board ran 2 9 A 9 A , giving him a full house by the river. Sugai wins the side pot and survives on to the next hand.

Chip Counts

271,000(54 BB)
70,000(14 BB)

Day 1C

9/22/2023, 8:42:00 PM

Top pair good for John Clyde Tan

Level 15: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000

Four players saw a flop of K 2 9 . Small blind Jimmy Suico and big blind John Clyde Tan moved all-in for 48,000. Two players fold behind and Suico makes the call.

Tan K 5 Suico 6 6

Tan ahead with top pair, scoops up the pot after runout J T completed the board.

Chip Counts

132,000(33 BB)
85,000(21 BB)
9/22/2023, 7:25:00 PM

Jimmy Suico scoops another pot

Level 12: 1,000 / 2,000 ante: 2,000

Hijack Jimmy Suico opened to 4,500 and called big blind Lin Zhiqiang’s 36,000 shove with 9 9 . Lin behind with A 4 , saw no ace on board 3 J 8 K 4 leaving him to head for the exit.

Chip Counts

250,000(125 BB)
9/22/2023, 7:10:00 PM

Justice for Jimmy Suico on the river

Level 12: 1,000 / 2,000 ante: 2,000

Utg+1 Jimmy Suico opened to 5,500 and Raymundo Gomez decided to move all-in for 30,500 one seat after. Suico made the call with A K , ahead of Gomez’ Q 9 . The flop came Q T 2 giving Gomez top pair, but was soon followed by 2 K , claiming justice for Suico’s overcards.

Chip Counts

160,000(80 BB)
9/22/2023, 6:48:00 PM

Lin Zhiqiang gets outpipped

Level 11: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500

Action began on Jimmy Suico with an open to 3,500, called by Jayvon Carreon behind. Button Lin Zhiqiang fired a three bet to 12,500 and was joined by both opponents. Flop came 4 Q 8 . Checked to Lin, he bet all-in, called only by Suico.

Lin A T Suico A J

Holding a better ace, Suico secured the pot after the runout A 5 gave both players top pair, Suico with a higher kicker.

Chip Counts

320,000(213 BB)
55,000(37 BB)
15,000(10 BB)