Day 2

9/23/2023, 6:32:00 PM

Chuck Peregrino gets rivered

Level 23: 10,000 / 25,000 ante: 25,000

Utg+1 Javalera Ireneo opened to 50,000, called by both button Ivan Dela Cruz and small blind Aihara Takayuki. Flop came 6 5 7 , Aihara led out a 65,000 bet, raised to 200,000 by Javalera. Dela Cruz and Aihara make the call behind and sees turn A . Action checked to Dela Cruz allowed him to move all-in and collected no callers for the pot.

Chip Counts

1,880,000(75 BB)
1,300,000(52 BB)
600,000(24 BB)
9/23/2023, 5:21:00 PM

Break time!

Level 22: 10,000 / 20,000 ante: 20,000

55 players left in contention for the Manila Super Series 18 Main Event title, minimum payout stands at PHP 42,000.

Top Chip Counts:

Chip Counts

1,800,000(90 BB)
1,500,000(75 BB)
1,250,000(63 BB)
1,200,000(60 BB)
1,070,000(54 BB)
9/23/2023, 4:25:00 PM

Javalera Ireneo backs down

Level 20: 6,000 / 12,000 ante: 12,000

Folded to the small blind, Javalera Ireneo opened to 24,000, called by big blind Shah Chirag. Flop came 9 6 9 and Javalera continued with an overbet of 75,000, again called by Shah. Turn 3 saw another 75,000 bet from Javalera to which Shah answered with an all-in for 370,000 total. Javalera doesn’t put anymore chips in and makes the fold.

Chip Counts

1,000,000(83 BB)
670,000(56 BB)
9/23/2023, 3:48:00 PM

Javalera Ireneo wins blind battle

Level 19: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000

Folded to Javalera Ireneo on the small blind, he limp calls a 30,000 raise from big blind Shah Chirag. Action checked round on flop K J 9 and saw a turn of J . Javalera led out a 50,000 bet to which Shah folded. Javalera shows two pair K A .

Chip Counts

1,300,000(130 BB)
250,000(25 BB)
9/23/2023, 3:42:00 PM

Oleg Alex Kaminski in a tight spot

Level 19: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000

Utg Oleg Alex Kaminski opened to 21,000 and was joined by three players behind. Flop came 6 2 2 . Checked to Kaminski, he continued with an 80,000 bet, called only by mp Javalera Ireneo. Turn 7 saw Kaminski check-call a 100,000 bet from Javalera, moving on to see river 7 . Kaminski again with a check, couldn’t make the final call after using all his time banks as Javalera moved all-in for his remaining 200,000. Javalera takes down the pot and shows one card Q .

Chip Counts

1,240,000(124 BB)
200,000(20 BB)
9/23/2023, 2:40:00 PM

Javalera Ireneo cracks kings

Level 18: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000

Utg+1 Ronato Alcano opened to 16,000, called behind by Javalera Ireneo. Button Ronald Acosta threw in a three bet to 55,000 and was joined by both players. Flop came J 3 3 . Checked to Acosta, he bet 46,000. Alcano calls and Javalera puts in a raise to 130,000. Acosta completes, Alcano opts out. Javalera then pushes all-in blind for the rest of Acosta’s 140,000 with the turn 6 , enough for Acosta to make the call for his tournament life.

Javalera J J Acosta K K

The river A sealed the win for Javalera’s full house, busting his opponent from the Main Event arena.

Chip Counts

950,000(119 BB)
420,000(53 BB)