Day 3
Zhao Takes Out Kim

Xiangyu Zhao made a raise to 35,000 from early position when Woojin Kim re-popped to 115,000 from the small blind. Zhao took some pause before declaring "All-in!", covering Kim's stack and daring him to put his APT Manila Main Event life on the line. Kim made the call and flipped over J♣ J♥ . Zhao turned over A♥ K♦ for a coin-toss.
Zhao paired his ace on the flop of 8♦ A♠ 8♥ . Kim had a two-outer and the turn 8♠ and the river 4♣ weren't them. Zhao took down the pot and Kim was sent to the rail.
Player | Chips |
XZ Xiangyu Zhao | 1,600,000(100 BB) |
WK Woojin Kim | busted |
Day 2
Miyamoto Cripples Nagami, Zhao Finishes Him Off
With over 80,000 in the pot and a board showing 3♣ 7♦ 8♥ J♣ J♠ , Kyosuke Nagami fired a bet of 60,000 after Masakazu Miyamoto checked his option in the big blind. After much contemplation between looking at his cards and getting assurances from his chip stack, Miyamoto made the brave call.
Nagami turned over A♦ Q♦ , losing out to Miyamoto's Q♠ 8♠ , whose paired eight made the difference. Nagami's stack was crippled to just 12,000, while Miyamoto's rose to over 200,000.
In the next hand, Nagami shoved all 12,000 from under the gun with Xiangyu Zhao re-raising to 24,000 to isolate from three seats over. No one else joined the party for both to have a showdown.
Nagami turned over Q♥ J♥ which was dominated by the A♥ J♦ of Zhao. Nagami was in search of ladies or hearts, but he was heartbroken when the board fell 7♦ 8♣ 5♠ 3♣ 9♦ . Zhao's hand went on to deliver the final death blow to kick Nagami out of the APT Manila Main Event.
Player | Chips |
XZ Xiangyu Zhao | 410,000(103 BB) |
MM Masakazu Miyamoto | 220,000(55 BB) |
KN Kyosuke Nagami | busted |
Flight C
Seongyeol Increases Stack Significantly Without Being at Risk

Cho Seongyeol opened from middle-position and got three-bet to 7,500 Xiangyu Zhao next to him. He called and they went heads up to the flop of T♥ 6♦ 4♦ . Seongyeol checked and Zhao continued with a 7,000 bet. Seongyeol responded with maximum pressure, pushing all of his 26,500 chips into the middle. Zhao went deep into the tank but eventually decided to let his cards go.
Player | Chips |
XZ Xiangyu Zhao | 62,000(52 BB) |
CS Cho Seongyeol | 51,500(43 BB) |