Flight B
Early Entries
Here are a few of the early entries in Flight B.
Player | Chips |
CC Craig Cooper | 40,000(400 BB) |
ED Elliot Damashek | 40,000(400 BB) |
ED Emmanuel Derecho | 40,000(400 BB) |
AI Alessio Isaia | 40,000(400 BB) |
40,000(400 BB) | |
TL Thomas Lund | 40,000(400 BB) |
Flight A
Jeong Depletes Leung In Blinds Battle

Action folded to the blinds. Terrance Scott Leung completed the small blind and Ha Eun Jeong checked the big blind for a frienldy peek at the flop of 9♥ K♦ Q♣ . Leung led for 1,100 and Jeong matched to see an A♣ on the turn. Leung fired another 2,1000 and Jeong stayed on to see a 4♥ on the river. Leung bet out 5,600 and Jeong threw a chip in for the call. Leung showed K♠ J♥ for a pair of kings, but lost to Jeong's A♦ 8♦ for a pair of aces.
Player | Chips |
HJ Haeun Jeong | 38,000(48 BB) |
21,400(27 BB) |
Damashek On A Streak
Action fell to Siyoung Lee who raised 300 from the button and called the 1300 four-bet from Elliot Sy Damashek at the small blind. Both players were treated to a Q♣ 7♦ 5♠ flop. Damashek led for 1,000 and Lee matched to see A♥ on the turn. Damashek fired 3,000, submitting Lee to a fold and taking down a huge pot.
In the next hand, pre-flop action was folded to Damashek who raised to 400 from the button with Terrance Scott Leung engaging from the small blind. Both are given a 6♥ 3♦ 4♦ flop. Leung check calls a 500 bet from Damashek to open a 5♦ on the turn. Lee led out for 1,300 with Damashek matching to peel a 3♠ on the river. Both players check. Damashek's A♣ 5♣ held a better kicker over the 5♣ 8♣ of Lee and took down another big pot to slowly build his chip stack.
Player | Chips |
ED Elliot Damashek | 58,000(580 BB) |
36,000(360 BB) | |
SL Siyoung Lee | 34,800(348 BB) |
Lee Wins at Showdown Without Revealing Cards
On a board of Q♦ 3♦ 8♦ T♠ , with around 1,500 in the pot, Siyoung Lee checked it over to Terrance Leung, who fired 1,000. Lee called.
They both saw the 6♠ drop on the river and again Lee checked, then Leung fired a pot-sized bet of 4,000. Lee thought for just a second and called.
Leung didn't want to take part in showdown, so just mucked his cards, and Lee was awarded the pot without the need to show his cards.
Player | Chips |
SL Siyoung Lee | 45,000(450 BB) |
33,000(330 BB) |