Blind level
Level 10: 700 / 1,400 ante: 1,400
Total Chips

Flight B

Derick ElominaDerick Elomina
11/1/2024, 3:47:49 AM

Early-Day Aggression on Display

Level 1: 100 / 100 ante: 100

Action started early on Table #32. Jin Long Luo on cut-off called a raise from Toshihide Sawada on big blind after limping to see a flop. Flop unfurled to 2 7 4 .

Sawada led out with 4,500 to be called by Luo again. Sawada slowed down on the turn 8 which gave Luo the chance to show some aggression with a 6,000 bet.

Sawada alternated looking at the board and Luo considering his options. He eventually folded and Luo scooped the pot.

46,100(461 BB)
34,100(341 BB)
Blind level
Level 10: 700 / 1,400 ante: 1,400
Total Chips

Flight A

Janette BeeJanette Bee
10/31/2024, 1:40:58 PM

Tough Laydown for Toshihide Sawada

Level 9: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200

Toshihide Sawada opened from middle-position and got three-bet to 7,500 by Maxim Sorokin on the button. He made the call and both players went to see a flop that read J 8 5 . Both players elected to check. The turn brought the T and Sawada led out for 11,000. The Russian Sorokin responded with a raise to 26,000, which Sawada called.

The river was a spicy one, namely the 5 , bringing in the flush as well as pairing the board. Sawada checked and Sorokin went all-in for around 32,000. This sent the Japanese deep into the tank. After a couple of minutes he reluctantly folded his hand, showing J T .

Maxim SorokinRussian Federation [RUS]Russian Federation
101,500(85 BB)
62,000(52 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
10/31/2024, 3:58:31 AM

Sawada Takes Early Pot with Aggression

Level 1: 100 / 100 ante: 100

Sung Jin Yun opened with a bet of 300 from early position, attracting calls from Toshihide Sawada, Charles Victoria in the small blind, and Seung Hoon Lee in the big blind.

On a flop of 2 Q K , action checked around to Sawada, who bet 500. Only Lee stayed in, calling to see the turn.

On the 9 turn, Lee checked, and Sawada continued the heat with a 1,200 bet. Lee decided to call, keeping the action alive.

When the river fell 6 , Sawada applied the pressure with a strong 5,500 bet. Unable to keep up with Sawada’s aggression, Lee finally mucked his hand, conceding the pot.

45,000(450 BB)
40,000(400 BB)
Seunghoon LeeKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
34,000(340 BB)