Blind level
Level 10: 700 / 1,400 ante: 1,400
Total Chips

Flight D

11/2/2024, 4:04:48 PM

Edoc's Flush Fails

Level 10: 700 / 1,400 ante: 1,400

Ramdrick Aznar opened the cutoff to 3,000 and Redentor Edoc defended from the big blind.

Both players saw a flop of 9 K 7 and checked through to see a 9 fall on the turn, where Edoc bet 2,700. However, it didn’t deter Aznar from putting in a raise to 7,300. Edoc then shoved all in and Aznar called.

Redentor Edoc: 6 8

Ramdrick Aznar: A 3

Aznar picked up the lead with a turned ace-high flush, leaving Edoc a small chance to win the pot. The dealer quickly delivered a 6 on the river, setting the tone for Edoc’s elimination.

Ramdrick AznarPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
171,500(123 BB)
Redentor EdocPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
11/2/2024, 1:02:52 PM

Edoc Scoops with Trips Against Chang

Level 5: 200 / 500 ante: 500
Redentor Edoc

Carlos Chang opened the action with a raise to 1,500, which drew calls from both Redentor Edoc in the small blind and Jessie Leonarez in the big blind.

The flop came down 4 4 9 , and Chang continued with a bet of 3,000. Edoc called, while Leonarez opted to fold.

When the turn brought the 9 , Edoc took the initiative, leading out with a bet of 5,500, which Chang called.

The river revealed the 7 , prompting Edoc to fire another bet of 5,100. Once again, Chang made the call. Edoc then revealed his hand: J 4 for trips on the flop, forcing Chang to muck his cards in defeat.

Redentor EdocPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
61,000(122 BB)
Joseph SiaPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
40,000(80 BB)
37,000(74 BB)
11/2/2024, 10:30:51 AM

Wong Fires for River Ace

Level 1: 100 / 100 ante: 100

Redentor Edoc raised from unnder the gun to 1,000 and recived two callers, Sergius Santos from the cutoff and Enrico Moscal on the button. However Chun Wong re-raised to 1,100 from the big blind, which the other three players stuck around.

On the flop of 8 2 5 , Wong and Edoc checked the action to Santos, who then bet 2,000. This time only Wong dropped in a call to see a 3 turn, and the action went check-check.

An A landed on the river, prompting a bet of 6,500 from Wong, which forced Santos to toss his cards into the muck.

Redentor EdocPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
44,000(440 BB)
Chun WongUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GBR]United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
40,000(400 BB)
Enrico MoscaUnited Arab Emirates [ARE]United Arab Emirates
37,000(370 BB)
Sergius SantosPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
32,000(320 BB)