Day 2
"Dealer, Seriously?!" Teoh's Aces Send Ganbold Packing

This week just keeps getting better and better for William Teoh. Not only did the Malaysian player win the APT Super High Roller, he has also just picked pocket aces early on Day 2 of the Main Event.
A preflop-raising battle ensued between Teoh and Mongolia's Munkh Ganbold, which resulted in the latter getting his stack of around 70,000 into the middle.
Munkh Ganbold: Q♣ Q♥
William Teoh: A♥ A♠
Ganbold couldn't believe his eyes, and the runout of 5♦ 5♣ 4♦ 2♣ A♠ meant he was eliminated, as Teoh improved to a full house.
"When I saw the aces, I thought why again? Like seriously,"
"Dealer, seriously?!" said an amused Teoh, who probably doesn't mind being dealt premium hands all the time, and now has around 250,000 chips in his stack.
Player | Chips |
WT William Teoh | 250,000(156 BB) |
busted |
Flight A
Tsugi's Nut Flush Leaves Ganbold in Disbelief
With a sizable pot on a completed board of 5♠ 6♠ 7♠ J♥ K♥ , Munkh Erden Ganbold faced a raise to 16,000 from Shunsuke Tsugi after his own 8,000 bet. After careful deliberation, Ganbold opted to call, only to see Tsugi reveal A♠ 8♠ , securing the nut flush on the flop.
A♠ Tsugi raked in the pot, Ganbold shook his head, voicing his regret over his handling of the hand.
Player | Chips |
ST Shunsuke Tsuji | 65,000(325 BB) |
22,000(110 BB) |