Blind level
Level 17: 3,000 / 6,000 ante: 6,000
Total Chips

Day 2

Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/3/2024, 6:57:51 AM

Bae Rivers a Straight

Level 14: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000
Wonchul Bae

Keisuke Tajiri limped in from the small blind and Wonchul Bae checked from the big blind to take it to the streets.

The action went check-check on the flop 5 J 3 , and both player saw a 4 fall on the turn, which they decided to check through again.

The river brought 6 , prompting a bet of 5,000 from Tajiri, and Bae put in a raise to 15,000. Tajiri dropped in a call to take it to a showdown. Bae swiftly tabled a rivered straight with T 7 , leaving Tajiri to muck his hand with an ace shown.

Wonchul BaeKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
171,500(57 BB)
162,000(54 BB)
Blind level
Level 10: 700 / 1,400 ante: 1,400
Total Chips

Flight A

Janette BeeJanette Bee
10/31/2024, 11:55:36 AM

Chauve Snags From Tajiri

Level 7: 400 / 800 ante: 800
Vincent Chauve

Three players agreed on an 1,800 fee to see a T Q 3 flop. Action was checked to the initial raiser and Vincent Chauve obliged with a c-bet of 3,000. Only Keisuke Tajiri amde the call to see a T on the turn. Both checked to open a 6 on the river. Tajiri check-called the final 3,500 bet of Chauve. Chauve flipped J J and Tajiri mucked, awarding the pot to Chauve.

144,000(180 BB)
105,000(131 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
10/31/2024, 9:41:07 AM

Player Chip Counts

Level 6: 300 / 600 ante: 600
Jordan Westmorland
Jordan WestmorlandUnited States of America [USA]United States of America
145,000(242 BB)
142,000(237 BB)
Cheng WongSingapore [SGP]Singapore
120,000(200 BB)
117,000(195 BB)
Chi LawHong Kong [HKG]Hong Kong
116,000(193 BB)
Kinam KimKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
92,000(153 BB)
85,000(142 BB)
80,000(133 BB)
Elliot DamashekUnited States of America [USA]United States of America
61,000(102 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
10/31/2024, 8:47:21 AM

The Rich Get Richer

Level 5: 200 / 500 ante: 500

Keisuke Tajiri raised to 1,100 from under the gun and was called by Joseph Magnotti from the button and Lkhagvasuren Lkagvajamts on the big blind. All three players were thrown a flop of Q 8 A . Action came around to Tajiri who bet only 1,000 to get everyone to fold, adding more chips to his growing towers.

On a following hand, A pre-flop pot of 6,200 was built by Magnotti at the cut-off and Tajiri at the big blind after a raise re-raise call tug-of-war. Both players checked down until the river was shown 9 7 K 7 4 . Tajiri fired 3,200 and Magnotti surrendered.

112,000(224 BB)
78,000(156 BB)
Joseph MagnottiUnited States of America [USA]United States of America
32,000(64 BB)