Blind level
Level 17: 3,000 / 6,000 ante: 6,000
Total Chips

Day 2

Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/3/2024, 5:53:24 AM

Lu's Straight Takes Out Obara

Level 13: 1,000 / 2,500 ante: 2,500

Pei-Hsi Lin min-raised to 5,000 from early position and was called by Ferdinand Lu on the small blind. Jun Obara raised to 17,500 from the big blind, forcing Lin out while Lu dared to keep on to see a flop of 9 5 K Lu check-called a 10,500 bet to see a J Once again, Lu check-called the 20,500 bet of Obara to reveal a Q on the river.

Lu took a moment before shoving all-in and Obara almost snap-called even before the dealer could count the exact count. Lu flipped over J T to show a straight while Obara mucked his cards. The dealer announced that Obara's stack was covered and he was on his way to exit.

A player asked, "Don't you have to show cards?" And Obara flipped over some painted cards, which not everyone caught because the dealer was too fast. There were mumblings about a set or a two pair. Whatever it was, it certainly wasn't enough to defeat Lu's straight as Lu makes a huge improvement to his chip count.

Ferdinand LuPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
330,000(132 BB)