Day 4
Takayama Ends He's Run

Zhou He shoved form the small blind for 525,000 and Mike Takayama called from the big blind.
Zhou He: K♦ 9♣
Mike Takayama: A♦ 2♠
Takayama had made the right call, but there was still a runout to sweat where anything could happen. However, after the 8♦ 7♣ A♥ flop, it seemed that He's run was coming to an end, unless she could find running cards to survive.
No such thing occurred, though, as the 4♥ T♣ runout kept the pair of Takayama in the lead, ending He's run.
Player | Chips |
MT Mike Takayama | 1,300,000(43 BB) |
HZ He Zhou | busted |
Day 3
Zhou Eliminates Park with Ace-high
Taeseong Park, at risk, open-jammed for 97,000 and got called by He Zhou on the button. The blinds folded leaving Park and Zhou for a heads-up showdown.
Taeseong Park: K♠ J♥
He Zhou: A♣ T♥
Zhou remained ahead when the dealer flopped 4♣ Q♠ 5♠ . The turn of 4♥ and river 5♣ didn't change the status quo eliminating Park in the process.
Player | Chips |
HZ He Zhou | 540,000(68 BB) |
TP Taeseong Park | busted |
Zhou Chips up with Flush
The action picked up on a flop of 9♦ A♦ 2♣ , with He Zhou leading out for 10,000. Chaoui Roqai Mehdi, in the small blind, raised to 34,000, and Zhou called.
On the turn 5♦ , Zhou checked, and Mehdi continued with a bet of 24,000, which Zhou called. The river 4♣ saw another check from Zhou, prompting a 15,000 bet from Mehdi. This time, Zhou check-raised to 55,000, putting Mehdi in a tough spot. After a moment’s thought, Mehdi called.
Zhou revealed 8♦ 6♦ for a flush, prompting Mehdi to muck his hand.
Player | Chips |
HZ He Zhou | 470,000(78 BB) |
MC Mehdi Chaoui | 100,000(17 BB) |