Day 3
Players Are On A Break!
Players are on a 15-minute break. 52 players are still playing until there are 48 qualifiers left who will advance to Day 4 of The APT Manila Main Event. All 57 players are guaranteed at least a payout of PHP 265,000 ($4,505).
Some of the recent eliminations were:
Player | Chips |
EG Edilberto Gopez | busted |
EB Evan Barnett | busted |
GF Gavin Flynn | busted |
IS Ionut Stochita | busted |
SA Seungyong An | busted |
KK Kinam Kim | busted |
DS Dino Sabatini | busted |
CM Christopher Mateo | busted |
BB Brett Bader | busted |
FP Finn Penderak | busted |
Three-way All-in

The action began when Abraham Ceesvin opened the betting from under the gun for 24,000, which was called by Yuji Yaginuma. Brett Bader in the big blind then moved all-in for 110,000. After confirming the count, Ceesvin called, and Yaginuma also jammed for 320,000. Ceesvin quickly called again, covering both players.
Brett Bader: A♣ T♣
Yuji Yaginuma: A♥ K♥
Abraham Ceesvin: A♠ K♠
The flop came down K♦ 9♣ 6♦ , giving both Yaginuma and Ceesvin a pair. The turn was J♠ , providing Bader with a glimmer of hope for a straight draw to triple up. However, the river was 2♠ , sealing his fate and eliminating him from the tournament, while Ceesvin and Yaginuma chopped the pot.
Player | Chips |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 564,000(47 BB) |
YY Yuji Yaginuma | 374,000(31 BB) |
BB Brett Bader | busted |
Flight B
Double Doubles

Chan Truong made the 1,200 min-raise from early position and was re-raised by Brett Bader to 3,500. Jin Woo Choi on the button called, and when action came back to Truong, he pushed all-in for his remaining 23,500. Bader surrendered. The short-stacked Choi tanked a while, but made the call.
Chan Truong: K♥ K♠
Jin Woo Choi: 9♦ 9♥
Truong made a set on the flop of Q♦ K♦ J♠ but Choi had a gut-shot. The turn A♠ meant the straight would split the pot and the river 7♥ awarded Truong the double-up.
In the next hand, Truong raised to 1,200 with Brett Bader calling behind. Jin Woo Choi pushed his last 4,200 chips to the middle. Truong backed away and Bader met the match.
Jim Woo Choi: K♥ T♥
Brett Bader: J♥ 9♥
Choi paired his ten on a flop of 7♦ Q♠ T♦ but it gave Bader an open-ended straight draw to add to his outs. The turn Q♣ and river 5♥ kept Choi in the lead to double-up.
Player | Chips |
BB Brett Bader | 55,000(92 BB) |
CT Chan Truong | 45,800(76 BB) |
CJ Choi Jin Woo | 9,600(16 BB) |