Blind level
Level 10: 700 / 1,400 ante: 1,400
Total Chips

Flight D

11/2/2024, 11:20:23 AM

Bae Makes the Right Decision

Level 2: 100 / 200 ante: 200

Wonchul Bae opened to 500 from middle position and was called by Junwoo Lee. On the small blind, Batzolboo Soronzonbold then three-bet to 2,700, prompting Enkhjarga Myagmarsuren on the big blind to fold. Bae made the call, while Lee bowed out, leaving Bae and Soronzonbold to battle it out heads-up.

The dealer revealed a flop of 7 9 9 , and Soronzonbold led out with a 2,000 bet, which Bae called.

On the 5 turn, Soronzonbold kept the pressure high, firing 5,500. Bae, appearing somewhat hesitant, decided to make the call.

When the river brought the 2 , Soronzonbold went all-in for 35,000, putting Bae to a tough decision with only about 18,000 chips left if he called. After a few tense moments, Bae committed to the call.

Wonchul Bae: K 7

Batzolboo Soronzonbold: A 8

Bae's flopped pair of sevens held, and with Soronzonbold saying, "Good call," Bae scooped the pot.

Wonchul Bae: K 7

Batzolboo Soronzonbold: A 8

With a pair on the flop, Bae scooped the pot.

Wonchul BaeKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
54,000(270 BB)
43,000(215 BB)
11/2/2024, 10:36:12 AM

Bae Folds on the River

Level 1: 100 / 100 ante: 100
Junwoo Lee

Wonchul Bae opened the cutoff too 300 and received two callers, Junwoo Lee and Batzolboo Soronzonbold from the blinds.

On the flop of 7 2 9 , the blinds checked to Bae, who then bet 500, which only Lee called to see a T hit on the turn. Both players checked through.

A board-pairing T showed on the river, and Lee bet 600 this time, forcing his opponent to muck his hand.

Junwoo LeeKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
40,600(406 BB)
39,100(391 BB)
Wonchul BaeKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
33,300(333 BB)