Blind level
Level 31: 150,000 / 300,000 ante: 300,000
Total Chips
Final Day
Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/7/2024, 4:13:14 AM
Lee Hits the Rails with Lau's Set
Level 17: 6,000 / 12,000 ante: 12,000
Juns Leong opened for 25,000, with two players calling: Jason Lau from the cutoff and Seoha Lee from the big blind. The dealer spread a flop of 8♠ K♠ 3♠ . Both Lee and Leong checked, giving Lau the chance to bet 55,000. Lee called, while Leong folded.
The turn brought the 6♦, and Lee checked again. Lau then confidently slid 250,000 chips into the pot, prompting an exasperated groan from Lee, who looked up in frustration with only about 80,000 left behind. After a long pause, Lee finally called.
Seoha Lee: K♥ 9♦
Jason Lau: 8♣ 8♦
Lee had top pair, but Lau had flopped a set of eights. The river brought the 5♠ , sealing Lee’s fate, and he was eliminated from the tournament.