Day 8 - October 25, 2024
JJ DuqueJJ Duque
10/25/2024, 2:40:35 PM
Juan Casanova Profits From Israel Pantaleon Bluff

Flight A PokerStars Red Dragon (PHP 25M GTD)
Blinds: 1,000/1,500 Ante 1,500 (Level 11)
In a battle of the blinds, SB Israel Pantaleon limped then called the 3,500 from BB Juan Casanova to see a flop of 5♦ A♠ 6♣. Pantaleon check-called the 3,000 c-bet of Casanova to see a K♦ on the turn. Both players checked to see a T♣ on the river. Pantaleon slid in a bet of 6,000 and Casanova made the call.
Casanova's pair of kings was certainly much better than the almost-flush of Pantaleon.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JC Juan Casanova | K♥9♣ | 112,500 |
IP Israel Pantaleon | Q♦9♦ | 28,500 |