Blind level
Level 18: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000
Total Chips
Day 1 - Flight A
11/15/2024, 3:00:21 PM
End of Flight A - 27 Survivors
Level 18: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000
Player | Chips |
LQ Li Qi | 599,000(75 BB) |
LZ Lei Zhang | 376,000(47 BB) |
HZ He Zhou | 352,000(44 BB) |
332,000(42 BB) | |
303,000(38 BB) | |
SE Steffen Endres | 285,000(36 BB) |
AK Ari Kumpumäki | 278,000(35 BB) |
262,000(33 BB) | |
258,000(32 BB) | |
EZ Emad Zarghami | 250,000(31 BB) |
242,000(30 BB) | |
232,000(29 BB) | |
OS Oliver Schulze | 187,000(23 BB) |
TD Tomas Dedinas | 166,000(21 BB) |
QD Qi Dong | 161,000(20 BB) |
156,000(20 BB) | |
LS Lee Sunghak | 153,000(19 BB) |
HY Hironori Yamada | 138,000(17 BB) |
108,000(14 BB) | |
TK Tokio Kobayashi | 103,000(13 BB) |
JB Jain Bhuvan | 92,000(12 BB) |
JJ Jeremy Jehanne | 78,000(10 BB) |
75,000(9 BB) | |
SS Shane Saito | 71,000(9 BB) |
AV Armon Van Wijk | 69,000(9 BB) |
49,000(6 BB) | |
MT Methavee Taveekitvatee | 36,000(5 BB) |
11/15/2024, 2:04:28 PM
Hironori Rivers It To Avoid The Bubble
Level 18: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000

Facing a 20,000 raise, Hironori Yamada goes all in for 49,000 and initial raiser Jungho Jeong makes the call to attempt to eliminate.
Player | Hand | Chips |
HY Hironori Yamada | A♦J♦ D | 118,000(15 BB) |
JJ Jungho Jeong | J♣T♣ CO | 49,000(6 BB) |
Derick ElominaDerick Elomina
11/15/2024, 12:09:28 PM
Break Time Top 15 Stacks
Level 14: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000

Player | Chips |
325,000(108 BB) | |
QL Qi Li | 249,000(83 BB) |
235,000(78 BB) | |
212,000(71 BB) | |
205,000(68 BB) | |
HZ He Zhou | 201,000(67 BB) |
181,000(60 BB) | |
JJ Jeremy Jehanne | 178,000(59 BB) |
LZ Lei Zhang | 165,000(55 BB) |
MH Meerwais Hussaini | 160,000(53 BB) |
TK Tokio Kobayashi | 149,000(50 BB) |
IY Ihor Yerofieiev | 148,000(49 BB) |
OS Oliver Schulz | 145,000(48 BB) |
142,000(47 BB) | |
140,000(47 BB) |
11/15/2024, 11:23:09 AM
Methavee Taveekitvatee Checks Trips
Level 13: 1,000 / 2,500 ante: 2,500

On a limped pot preflop, Jungho Jeong bets 8500 on the flop A♥ 8♣ 2♥ , Methavee Taveekitvatee calls while Tikka Veikko folds. The turn Q♣ Jeong drives the pot further with 18,500 sent out and gets called again by Methavee. No bets land on the river A♠. Methavee takes it with trips.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JJ Jungho Jeong | 8♥9♥ UTG | 220,000(88 BB) |
MT Methavee Taveekitvatee | A♣T♣ HJ | 122,000(49 BB) |
54,800(22 BB) |
11/15/2024, 9:25:02 AM
Jungho Jeong Flops Top Two
Level 9: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200

Three players in on a raised pot see flop 5♦ A♥ 7♦ . Sungtak Lee continues for 3,500, Jungho Jeong drives it to 15,000, Oliver Schulze gets out of the way while Lee calls. Lee passes on the turn 6♥ , Jeong fires 20,000 and is called again. Both players then slow down on the river K♣ with checks.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JJ Jungho Jeong | Aâ™ 7â™ CO | 214,000(178 BB) |
SL Sungtak Lee | A♦9♦ UTG | 35,500(30 BB) |
OS Oliver Schulz | 30,000(25 BB) |