Blind level
Level 15: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
Total Chips

Day 1 - Flight B / C

Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/17/2024, 3:15:52 PM

Aladin Reskallah Spikes Higher Pair

Level 14: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000
Aladin Reskallah

Aladin Reskallah (CO) opens strong with an all-in preflop raise of 45,000. Masaki Ando (SB) calls and both players reveal their cards.

Aladin has A 5 while Masaki has 4 4 . The board runs 8 2 9 5 and 6 . Aladin just edges Ando's pocket pair to double through.

96,000(32 BB)
73,300(24 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/17/2024, 1:10:06 PM

Ronnie wins with a strong kicker

Level 11: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500
Ronnie Lavon Tate

Ronnie Lavon Tate (UTG) limps while Ilia Barkov (UTG+1) raises 6,000. This maked Masaki Ando (SB) call while Ronnie also calls. The flop is revealed 4 J 8 . Ronnie bets 12,500 after the flop and this forces Ilia fold. Masaki on the other hand raises with an all-in. Ronnie calls Masaki’s all-in and both players reveal their cards.

Ronnie had A J and Masaki had Q J . The turn showed 5 and the river brought in 3 . While both players had J pairs, Ronnie’s Ace kicker give him the victory.

Ronnie TateUnited States of America [USA]United States of America
72,000(48 BB)
Ilia BarkovRussian Federation [RUS]Russian Federation
66,500(44 BB)
63,000(42 BB)