Day 2
Kotaro Tanaka Out In 16th pLace -US$ 2,950

Kotaro Tanaka jams his last 130,000 from +2 and Ihor Yerofieiev in HJ is the only caller. Yerofieiev's ladies prevail to sent Tanaka to the rail in 16th place.
Player | Hand | Chips |
K♥T♠ | busted | |
IY Ihor Yerofieiev | Q♣Q♠ | 495,000(25 BB) |
Current Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
RT Ronnie Tate | 800,000(40 BB) |
MF Michael Falcon | 780,000(39 BB) |
QQ Quan Qiu | 778,000(39 BB) |
AB Adrien Berger | 770,000(39 BB) |
JL Jeorge Lagatuz | 690,000(35 BB) |
DA David Anstice | 560,000(28 BB) |
HY Hyeonsik Yun | 525,000(26 BB) |
BM Bruno Moyse | 505,000(25 BB) |
FL Frank Lillis | 470,000(24 BB) |
OS Oliver Schulze | 459,000(23 BB) |
FV Felix Von Rahden | 400,000(20 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 380,000(19 BB) |
FS Francisco Sanchez | 380,000(19 BB) |
IY Ihor Yerofieiev | 290,000(15 BB) |
HY Hironori Yamada | 280,000(14 BB) |
130,000(7 BB) |
Current Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
QQ Quan Qiu | 982,000(61 BB) |
AB Adrien Berger | 925,000(58 BB) |
RT Ronnie Tate | 850,000(53 BB) |
MF Michael Falcon | 701,000(44 BB) |
DA David Anstice | 633,000(40 BB) |
FL Frank Lillis | 515,000(32 BB) |
OS Oliver Schulze | 493,000(31 BB) |
HY Hyeonsik Yun | 486,000(30 BB) |
FV Felix Von Rahden | 472,000(30 BB) |
BM Bruno Moyse | 441,000(28 BB) |
FS Francisco Sanchez | 420,000(26 BB) |
HY Hironori Yamada | 327,000(20 BB) |
JL Jeorge Lagatuz | 271,000(17 BB) |
IY Ihor Yerofieiev | 226,000(14 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 225,000(14 BB) |
158,000(10 BB) |
Big Slick And A Double Up for Kotaro Tanaka
Small blind Hironori Yamada puts 500,000 in the middle and Kotaro Tanaka calls with his remaining 101,000 from the BB
Board runs 6♥ T♣ A♣ 3♦ 6♣
Hironori Yamada: 9♣ 9♥
Kotaro Tanaka: A♥ K♦
Player | Chips |
HY Hironori Yamada | 395,000(33 BB) |
214,000(18 BB) |
Kotaro Tanaka Eliminates Emad Zarghami

Zarghami open shoves 87,000 from CO with 7♦ 7♠ but gets bad news when Tanaka calls and flips over K♠ K♥ . The board runs 5♣ Q♥ 6♥ 8♥ 4♥ , flush over straight and Emad Zarghami is out.
Player | Chips |
198,000(33 BB) | |
EZ Emad Zarghami | busted |
Day 1 - Flight B / C
End of Flight B - 25 Survivors

Player | Chips |
457,000(114 BB) | |
FS Francisco Sanchez | 404,000(101 BB) |
QQ Quan Qiu | 356,000(89 BB) |
KH Kuo Haile Rafik | 275,000(69 BB) |
ZX Zinan Xu | 264,000(66 BB) |
AR Aladin Reskallah | 256,000(64 BB) |
RT Ronnie Tate | 239,000(60 BB) |
TS Takuya Shimabukuro | 233,000(58 BB) |
DK Dongkyu Kim | 167,000(42 BB) |
AB Aleksandr Blokhin | 158,000(40 BB) |
TL Thomas Leslie Birch | 144,000(36 BB) |
HY Hironori Yamada | 135,000(34 BB) |
HZ He Zhou | 127,000(32 BB) |
125,000(31 BB) | |
WU Wipat Udomkanjananan | 114,000(29 BB) |
MR Martin Rundulf Gonzales | 109,000(27 BB) |
OS Oliver Schulze | 104,000(26 BB) |
FV Fokin Valeriy | 102,000(26 BB) |
101,000(25 BB) | |
IB Ilia Barkov | 96,000(24 BB) |
IY Ihor Yerofieiev | 94,000(24 BB) |
OB Oliver Biles | 87,000(22 BB) |
78,000(20 BB) | |
DA David Anstice | 60,000(15 BB) |
SH Shaun Harmer | 37,000(9 BB) |
Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
TL Thomas Leslie Birch | 370,000(123 BB) |
FS Francisco Sanchez | 293,000(98 BB) |
ZX Zinan Xu | 235,000(78 BB) |
KH Kuo Haile Rafik | 212,000(71 BB) |
XZ Xiaosheng Zheng | 189,000(63 BB) |
177,000(59 BB) | |
AB Aleksandr Blokhin | 176,000(59 BB) |
TS Takuya Shimabukuro | 174,000(58 BB) |
FV Fokin Valeriy | 170,000(57 BB) |
IB Ilia Barkov | 156,000(52 BB) |
The game is heating up. Don't miss the amazing updates ahead.
Thomas Forces Outs Kotaro

Thomas Leslie Birch (SB) raises 7,000 and Kotaro Tanaka (BB) calls. The flop has 8♣ 2♣ A♣ . Thomas c-bets 17,000 Kotaro calls making way for the turn card 5♠ . Thomas bets again for 22,000 and yet again Kotaro calls allowing the board to show the river 3♥ . Thomas barrels a third time for 70,000 and this time Kotaro folds. handing the pot to Thomas.
Player | Chips |
TL Thomas Leslie Birch | 346,000(138 BB) |
179,000(72 BB) |
Kotaro's Flushes Out Cyrille

Kotaro Tanaka (UTG) raises 5,000 and Cyrille Teddy Rousset (BB) calls. They see the flop come in with T♦ K♦ 8♦ . Cyrille checks and Kotaro bets 5,000 making Cyrille call. We see the turn bring in 4♣ . Cyrille checks and Kotaro bets 8,000. Cyrille responds with an all-in raise. Kotaro snap calls Cyrille all-in. The players open their cards.
Kotaro reveals A♦ Q♦ giving him a flush while Cyrille has K♠ 4♠ giving him two-pair. The river comes in with 3♥ and Kotaro takes the victory.
Player | Chips |
210,000(84 BB) | |
CR Cyrille Rousset | busted |
Kotaro knocks out Kyle

Kyle Bao Diep (HJ) comes in strong with an all-in pre-flop raise. Kotaro Tanaka (D) calls and both players reveal their cards.
Kyle held K♦ Q♠ while Kotaro had K♣ K♠ . The board showed A♥ J♥ 7♥ 7♣ 8♣ . Kotaro lands two-pairs knocking out Kyle.
Player | Chips |
171,000(68 BB) | |
KB Kyle Bao Diep | busted |
Kotaro’s wins the pot with two-pairs

Azizjon Rakhimov (D) raises 4,000 Kotaro Tanaka (BB) calls. The flop shows 7♠ A♣ 6♦ . Kotaro checks and Azizjon bets 4,000 Kotaro calls again. The turn brings 3♦ . Kotaro checks and Azizjon goes for a 7,000 bet this time.
Kotaro calmly calls. The river carries J♠ . Kotaro checks, Azizjon like clockwork bets 15,000 and instead of calling Kotaro raises with an all-in. Azizjon confidently calls and both players reveal their cards. Azizjon had A♥ 6♠ while Kotaro has A♠ J♥ .
Kotaro wins with two-pairs and takes the pot.
Player | Chips |
140,000(70 BB) | |
AR Azizjon Rakhimov | 29,000(15 BB) |