Day 2
Frank Lillis Eliminates He Zhou

When folded to him, He Zhou goes all-in for 131,000 from SB and Frank Lillis quickly calls.
Player | Hand | Chips |
FL Frank Lillis | A♣J♥ | 375,000(38 BB) |
HZ He Zhou | 9♥7♥ | busted |
Day 1 - Flight B / C
End of Flight B - 25 Survivors

Player | Chips |
457,000(114 BB) | |
FS Francisco Sanchez | 404,000(101 BB) |
QQ Quan Qiu | 356,000(89 BB) |
KH Kuo Haile Rafik | 275,000(69 BB) |
ZX Zinan Xu | 264,000(66 BB) |
AR Aladin Reskallah | 256,000(64 BB) |
RT Ronnie Tate | 239,000(60 BB) |
TS Takuya Shimabukuro | 233,000(58 BB) |
DK Dongkyu Kim | 167,000(42 BB) |
AB Aleksandr Blokhin | 158,000(40 BB) |
TL Thomas Leslie Birch | 144,000(36 BB) |
HY Hironori Yamada | 135,000(34 BB) |
HZ He Zhou | 127,000(32 BB) |
125,000(31 BB) | |
WU Wipat Udomkanjananan | 114,000(29 BB) |
MR Martin Rundulf Gonzales | 109,000(27 BB) |
OS Oliver Schulze | 104,000(26 BB) |
FV Fokin Valeriy | 102,000(26 BB) |
101,000(25 BB) | |
IB Ilia Barkov | 96,000(24 BB) |
IY Ihor Yerofieiev | 94,000(24 BB) |
OB Oliver Biles | 87,000(22 BB) |
78,000(20 BB) | |
DA David Anstice | 60,000(15 BB) |
SH Shaun Harmer | 37,000(9 BB) |
Emad Zarghami wins with Two-Pairs

Emad Zarghami (UTG) raises 2,500, He Zhou (CO) calls and so does Song Hau Pam (BB). We see the flop 4♦ 8♣ 9♦ .
Song Hau Pam goes all in after the flop and Emad responds by calling while He Zhou folds. The turn shows 5♠ and River carries 6♥
The players reveal their cards. Emad had 8♠ 9♠ Song Hau Pam had J♣ 8♥ .
Emad’s two-pairs of 8 and 9 beats Son Hau’s pair of eights.
Emad takes the win while Song Hau gets knocked out.
Player | Chips |
EZ Emad Zarghami | 210,000(175 BB) |
HZ He Zhou | 75,000(63 BB) |
busted |
Emad’s all-in gives him a victory

He Zhou (UTG+1) raised to 2,000 Itsuki Homma (CO), Song Hau Pam (D) and Emad Zarghami (SB) all called. Felix Von Rahden (BB) three-bets to 13,500, He Zhou folds, Itsuki, Song Hau, Emad, all call Felix’s bet and we see the flop 3♣ T♦ A♠ .
Emad checks after the flop, while Felix bets 11,000 and Itsuki folds, Song Hau Pam folds as well while Emad calls the bet. We see the Turn K♦ and Emad checks while Felix bets 21,000 Emad responds by going all-in. After thinking for a long time Felix folds giving the victory to Emad.
Player | Chips |
HI Homma Itsuki | 207,000(207 BB) |
EZ Emad Zarghami | 170,000(170 BB) |
HZ He Zhou | 71,000(71 BB) |
35,000(35 BB) | |
FV Felix Von Rahden | 26,100(26 BB) |
Updated Chip Counts as Level 8 Begins
Players are returning to their seats after a short break, and the action resumes with the stakes climbing. Here are the chip counts:
Player | Chips |
DK Dongkyu Kim | 227,000(227 BB) |
KK Kimsour Kong | 130,000(130 BB) |
127,000(127 BB) | |
CR Cyrille Rousset | 120,000(120 BB) |
HI Homma Itsuki | 112,000(112 BB) |
AB Aleksandr Blokhin | 97,000(97 BB) |
WU Wipat Udomkanjananan | 85,000(85 BB) |
84,000(84 BB) | |
AR Aladin Reskallah | 83,000(83 BB) |
DN Duc Nhat Nguyen | 81,000(81 BB) |
FV Felix Von Rahden | 77,000(77 BB) |
HZ He Zhou | 70,000(70 BB) |
WS William Salim | 68,000(68 BB) |
AR Azizjon Rakhimov | 66,000(66 BB) |
OS Oliver Schulze | 60,000(60 BB) |
Let the exciting play continue as players aim to climb the leaderboard!