Blind level
Level 15: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
Total Chips

Day 1 - Flight B / C

Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/17/2024, 2:31:20 PM

Kotaro's Flushes Out Cyrille

Level 13: 1,000 / 2,500 ante: 2,500
Kotaro Tanaka

Kotaro Tanaka (UTG) raises 5,000 and Cyrille Teddy Rousset (BB) calls. They see the flop come in with T K 8 . Cyrille checks and Kotaro bets 5,000 making Cyrille call. We see the turn bring in 4 . Cyrille checks and Kotaro bets 8,000. Cyrille responds with an all-in raise. Kotaro snap calls Cyrille all-in. The players open their cards.

Kotaro reveals A Q giving him a flush while Cyrille has K 4 giving him two-pair. The river comes in with 3 and Kotaro takes the victory.

210,000(84 BB)
Cyrille RoussetNew Caledonia [NCL]New Caledonia
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/17/2024, 1:01:37 PM

Chip Count

Level 10: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200
237,500(198 BB)
Emad ZarghamiAustralia [AUS]Australia
173,000(144 BB)
171,500(143 BB)
138,000(115 BB)
Dongkyu KimKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
126,000(105 BB)
125,000(104 BB)
124,500(104 BB)
Thomas Leslie BirchUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GBR]United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
122,500(102 BB)
120,500(100 BB)
116,000(97 BB)
114,000(95 BB)
107,000(89 BB)
106,000(88 BB)
Cyrille RoussetNew Caledonia [NCL]New Caledonia
100,500(84 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/17/2024, 11:09:39 AM

Cyrille Teddy Wins with Ace Pair and a 9 Kicker

Level 9: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200
Cyrille Teddy

Oliver Jaime Biles (UTG+1) raises to 2,500 Cyrille Teddy Rousset (D) calls, and so does Yungoh Lim (SB). The flop was reveal to hold 6 A and J . Yungoh Lim checks, while Oliver bets 3,100 and Cyrille calls. Yungoh decides to fold.

We see the turn and it is 3 . Both Oliver and Cyrille check giving way to the river, Q . Both Oliver and Cyrille check and as they both opened their cards it was reveal that both the players formed an Ace-pair with the board. Oliver had A 8 while Cyrille had A 9 . Since Cyrille’s 9 kicker is bigger cyrille takes the win.

126,000(105 BB)
Cyrille RoussetNew Caledonia [NCL]New Caledonia
91,000(76 BB)
Oliver BilesUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GBR]United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
27,700(23 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/17/2024, 10:15:50 AM

Ceesvin Abraham Abdulla Scores a Bluff Victory

Level 8: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000
Ceesvin Abraham Abdulla

Ceesvin Abraham Abdulla (CO) and Cyrille Teddy Rousset (BB) faced off in an intense hand. Ceesvin raised to 2,500 pre-flop, and Cyrille called. On the flop J 4 3 , Cyrille checked, prompting a 1,500 bet from Ceesvin, which Cyrille called. The turn Q saw another check from Cyrille, followed by a 5,500 bet from Ceesvin, and once again, Cyrille called. The river A brought a final check from Cyrille, and Ceesvin went all in, ultimately revealing K 9 after Cyrille folded. Ceesvin claimed the pot.

Cyrille RoussetNew Caledonia [NCL]New Caledonia
98,000(98 BB)
40,500(41 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/17/2024, 10:08:01 AM

Updated Chip Counts as Level 8 Begins

Level 7: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000

Players are returning to their seats after a short break, and the action resumes with the stakes climbing. Here are the chip counts:

Dongkyu KimKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
227,000(227 BB)
Kimsour KongCambodia [KHM]Cambodia
130,000(130 BB)
127,000(127 BB)
Cyrille RoussetNew Caledonia [NCL]New Caledonia
120,000(120 BB)
112,000(112 BB)
Aleksandr BlokhinRussian Federation [RUS]Russian Federation
97,000(97 BB)
85,000(85 BB)
84,000(84 BB)
83,000(83 BB)
81,000(81 BB)
77,000(77 BB)
He ZhouChina [CHN]China
70,000(70 BB)
William SalimIndonesia [IDN]Indonesia
68,000(68 BB)
66,000(66 BB)
60,000(60 BB)

Let the exciting play continue as players aim to climb the leaderboard!

Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/17/2024, 8:29:52 AM

Overpot Bet By Cyrille Rousset Claims It

Level 6: 400 / 800 ante: 800
Cyrille Rousset

Calling Dongkyu Kim's 600 raise preflop and check-calling 1100 on the flop 4 7 3 , Cyrille Rousset leads out 3500 on the turn J then calls Kim's 7000 raise. On the river 5 , Rousset bangs out 27,000 and this time wins the pot without a fight.

Cyrille RoussetNew Caledonia [NCL]New Caledonia
139,000(174 BB)
Dongkyu KimKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
135,000(169 BB)