Blind level
Level 15: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
Total Chips

Day 1A

Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/21/2024, 12:24:10 PM

Ferdinand Lu With The Higher Premium

Level 8: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000
Ferdinand Lu

Following a raise from David Erquiaga, cutoff player Ferdinand Lu makes it 6100 only to get repopped to 17,500 by small blind Yuan Fred Bensasson. Back to Erquiaga who opts to get out of the way while Lu calls to go post flop.

Dealer felts 8 A 5 , Bensasson continues for 7000, Lu calls again, then both check the turn 9 and river 2 .

Bensasson shows Q Q but still behind Lu's K K

Ferdinand LuPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
93,000(93 BB)
26,800(27 BB)
David ErquiagaPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
21,000(21 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/21/2024, 5:52:34 AM

Bensasson crosses 40k mark

Level 1: 100 / 100 ante: 100

A raised pot to 2,700 sees France’s Yvan Bensasson (UTG), Nikolai Zhivoderov of Russia (+1) and China’s Qi Li (CO) all the mix.

The flop is K 6 7 as the action is checked to Qi who leads out for 800. Bensasson calls and then Zhivoderov check-raises to 2,000. Both Qi and Bensasson call. The turn is the 8 and the Russian player continues firing, this time for 5,000. Qi opts to step away, but the Frenchman still makes the call. The river card is the 4 as both players check.

Bensasson shows 9 8 for an open-ended straight draw on the flop leading to a hit on the turn. Zhivoderov mucks.

41,300(413 BB)
Qi LiChina [CHN]China
27,000(270 BB)
Nikolai ZhivoderovRussian Federation [RUS]Russian Federation
20,100(201 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/21/2024, 5:30:57 AM

Appledorf outhustles opposition

Level 1: 100 / 100 ante: 100
Howard Appledorf

Yvan Bensasson of France opens on the D for 300 and gets 3-bet in the SB by Russia’s Nikolai Zhivoderov to 1,200. American Howard Appledorf calls from the BB as Bensasson opts to fold.

It is heads up between the blinds on the flop of 8 J 9 as Zhivoderov continues for 300 anew. Appledorf makes the call. The turn is the 8 as this time, the Russian slows down and checks. Appledorf takes the betting lead for 500. Zhivoderov eventually lets it go.

Howard AppledorfUnited States of America [USA]United States of America
33,000(330 BB)
Nikolai ZhivoderovRussian Federation [RUS]Russian Federation
28,400(284 BB)
28,100(281 BB)