Day 1C
Big Splash Of Chips For Kumpumaki

Utg opens 800 and more the the table enter the pot with five callers. On the flop T♠ 6♥ K♣ , small blind Roman Shcherbakov leads out 2000, three players call for the turn 4♥ . Another bet from Shcherbakov of 5000, this time it's met with a raise of 20,000 from big blind Ari Kumpumaki, two players fold and Shcherbakov follows suit giving up his stake in the pot.
Player | Chips |
AK Ari Kumpumaki | 55,000(138 BB) |
RS Roman Shcherbakov | 23,500(59 BB) |
Day 1B
Robin Roth Earning With Two Pair

From the big blind Robin Roth with Q♠ 9♠ defends from the raise of Roman Shcherbakov and lands top two on the flop Q♦ 5♣ 9♥ . Setting the trap, Roth checks then calls 6000. The turn 5♥ is checked by both then on the river 5♠ , Roth pumps the pot another 8000, Shcherbakov calls then mucks.
Player | Chips |
RR Robin Roth | 65,000(22 BB) |
RS Roman Shcherbakov | 34,000(11 BB) |
Roman Shcherbakov vs Michael Kim Falcon

Pound for pound between Roman Shcherbakov and Michael Kim Falcon kicks of with Shcherbakov raising 3000 and Falcon calling from the big blind. On the flop 4♦ J♣ Q♥ , Falcon seizes control with a 5000 bet that Shcherbakov calls. The turn8c , Falcon fires 10,000, Shcherbakov raises 25,000, Falcon calls. Both players check the river. Falcon has Q♣ 8♥ two pair, Shcherbakov wins the pot with 9♣ T♦ straight.
Player | Chips |
MF Michael Falcon | 234,000(156 BB) |
RS Roman Shcherbakov | 123,500(82 BB) |
Current Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
MF Michael Falcon | 237,000(158 BB) |
HA Huseyin Akgul | 229,000(153 BB) |
IB Ira Blumenthal | 170,500(114 BB) |
NT Ngoc Thai Huynh | 147,500(98 BB) |
JT Jean Testa | 129,500(86 BB) |
SP Slaven Popov | 125,500(84 BB) |
TT Tetsuya Tsujisaka | 121,500(81 BB) |
121,000(81 BB) | |
RH Ronald Haverkamp | 114,500(76 BB) |
VL Vladimir Litasov | 113,000(75 BB) |
CS Chudapal Siarhei | 112,500(75 BB) |
DS Dmitry Suchkov | 101,500(68 BB) |
SC Sha Chengchun | 96,500(64 BB) |
91,000(61 BB) | |
RS Roman Shcherbakov | 85,000(57 BB) |
Current Top Stacks

Player | Chips |
MF Michael Falcon | 153,000(153 BB) |
DK Donghyup Kim | 145,000(145 BB) |
HA Huseyin Akgul | 130,000(130 BB) |
JT Jean Testa | 117,000(117 BB) |
LK Luke Keay | 116,400(116 BB) |
TT Tetsuya Tsujisaka | 107,000(107 BB) |
HI Homma Itsuki | 103,500(104 BB) |
MP Manwoo Park | 103,400(103 BB) |
KB Kyle Bao Diep | 99,400(99 BB) |
YL Yannick Leonard | 96,400(96 BB) |
AV Anzhela Vasylenko | 95,800(96 BB) |
RS Roman Shcherbakov | 84,000(84 BB) |
YX Yinfei Xiao | 80,900(81 BB) |
HZ He Zhou | 80,000(80 BB) |
RR Robin Roth | 73,000(73 BB) |
NW Naoki Watanabe | 70,700(71 BB) |
JL Jungyeob Lee | 68,000(68 BB) |
VL Vladimir Litasov | 68,000(68 BB) |
XZ Xiaosheng Zheng | 66,700(67 BB) |
DS Dmitry Suchkov | 66,300(66 BB) |
SC Sha Chengchun | 65,600(66 BB) |
MT Michael Truong | 61,200(61 BB) |
EZ Emad Zarghami | 59,000(59 BB) |
SH Shaun Harmer | 52,000(52 BB) |
FG Francis Garson | 51,900(52 BB) |
AK Akihiro Konishi | busted |