Day 2
Lucky Catch For Danny Huynh

Danny Huynh had been announcing that he is going to shove soon with his short stack and did so on top of Robin Roth's 10,000 raise. Roth called the 60,000 and it was off to the races.
Player | Hand | Chips |
DH Danny Huynh | 7♥7♦ | 132,000(26 BB) |
RR Robin Roth | 8♠8♥ | 145,000(29 BB) |
Day 1B
End of Day 1B - 29 Players
Player | Chips |
MF Michael Falcon | 491,000(123 BB) |
DK Donghyup Kim | 313,000(78 BB) |
AB Aleksandr Blokhin | 291,000(73 BB) |
NZ Nikolai Zhivoderov | 280,000(70 BB) |
RH Ronald Haverkamp | 265,000(66 BB) |
XZ Xiaosheng Zheng | 247,000(62 BB) |
244,000(61 BB) | |
GW Guiyang Wang | 230,000(58 BB) |
IB Ira Blumenthal | 220,000(55 BB) |
VL Vladimir Litasov | 211,000(53 BB) |
YL Yannick Leonard | 201,000(50 BB) |
NT Ngoc Thai Huynh | 177,000(44 BB) |
NC Nevan Chang | 174,000(44 BB) |
HA Huseyin Akgul | 173,000(43 BB) |
JT Jean Testa | 163,000(41 BB) |
KL Kolja Lucking | 152,000(38 BB) |
NW Naoki Watanabe | 128,000(32 BB) |
JP Junpeng Pan | 122,000(31 BB) |
FL Ferdinand Lu | 118,000(30 BB) |
MH Meerwais Hussaini | 114,000(29 BB) |
HI Homma Itsuki | 112,000(28 BB) |
DS Dmitry Suchkov | 112,000(28 BB) |
BM Bruno Moyse | 106,000(27 BB) |
JY Jun Yamada | 101,000(25 BB) |
HZ He Zhou | 99,000(25 BB) |
85,000(21 BB) | |
DH Danny Huynh | 81,000(20 BB) |
NQ Nguyen Quang Huy | 74,000(19 BB) |
RR Robin Roth | 41,000(10 BB) |
Robin Roth Earning With Two Pair

From the big blind Robin Roth with Q♠ 9♠ defends from the raise of Roman Shcherbakov and lands top two on the flop Q♦ 5♣ 9♥ . Setting the trap, Roth checks then calls 6000. The turn 5♥ is checked by both then on the river 5♠ , Roth pumps the pot another 8000, Shcherbakov calls then mucks.
Player | Chips |
RR Robin Roth | 65,000(22 BB) |
RS Roman Shcherbakov | 34,000(11 BB) |
Martin Ng Donates His Chips To Roth
Robin Roth looks down at cowboys and honors it with a 3000 raise. Big blind Martin Ng calls and the flop lands 8♥ 9♠ 2♦ . Roth c-bets 2500, Ng doesn't believe and check-raises 10,500 Roth calls and they both check the turn 3♣ . On the river 6♥ , Ng checks to Roth who bets 45,000, Ng calls for his last 15,000 and goes bye bye.
Player | Hand | Chips |
RR Robin Roth | K♥K♦ CO | 124,000(83 BB) |
MN Martin Ng | J♣2♣ BB | busted |
Yannick Leonard's Mid Pair Earns Some Chips

Battle of the blinds with 8400 in the pot, Yannick Leonard bets 3500 and big blind Robin Roth calls it. The turn 5♦ is checked for a free river 8♣ . Leonard resumes betting for 1800, Roth calls then mucks to K♣ 6♠ pair.
Player | Chips |
YL Yannick Leonard | 66,200(55 BB) |
RR Robin Roth | 37,000(31 BB) |