Day 1C
Top Stacks At The New Level
Player | Chips |
KF Kosei Fujiwara | 89,400(179 BB) |
JX Jijun Xu | 84,000(168 BB) |
YY Yu Yan | 77,500(155 BB) |
LK Luke Keay | 77,200(154 BB) |
AV Artem Vezhenkov | 73,200(146 BB) |
KK Khamid Khudayberganov | 70,000(140 BB) |
SS Somasekhar Sanampuri | 67,500(135 BB) |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | 65,200(130 BB) |
YX Yinfei Xiao | 57,000(114 BB) |
CL Curtis Lim Siew Jian | 55,700(111 BB) |
AG Asish Ghosh | 53,500(107 BB) |
OS Oliver Schulze | 52,400(105 BB) |
YY Yadi Yao | 52,000(104 BB) |
SR Supanat Rojsukthavorn | 51,700(103 BB) |
WK Woojin Kim | 51,300(103 BB) |
BM Bien Mai | 46,200(92 BB) |
AV Anzhela Vasylenko | 43,300(87 BB) |
GC George Cuc | 40,500(81 BB) |
EB Eric Bennici | 39,000(78 BB) |
KK Kim Kunwoo | 38,000(76 BB) |
QQ Quan Qiu | 37,200(74 BB) |
Day 1B
Quan Qiu Doubles Through Anzhela Vasylenko

Action packed hand opens with a 3000 raise by Nicola Spicher, button Quan Qiu shoves 36,000, small blind Anzhela Vasylenko joins for 49,500, enough to push out Spicher for heads up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
QQ Quan Qiu | A♥T♥ D | 78,000(52 BB) |
AV Anzhela Vasylenko | Q♥Q♣ SB | 13,500(9 BB) |
With three hearts on the board, Qui is saved while Vasylenko plunges.
Quan Qiu Dominates Emad Zarghami's Pocket Pair

Quan Qiu has two callers before big blind Emad Zarghami three-bets all in for 25,300. Qiu calls and the rest fold. At the showdown, Qiu's pocket pair is ahead and stays that way throughout the board to bounce out Zarghami.
Player | Hand | Chips |
QQ Quan Qiu | J♣J♦ UTG+1 | 66,000(55 BB) |
EZ Emad Zarghami | 4♠4♦ BB | busted |
Quan Qiu Matches Truong's Moves

Michael Truong brings it up to 1200 and big blind Quan Qiu doesn't let him pass without a look at the flop J♠ 5♠ A♣ . Truong c-bets 1500 and 2000 at the turn Q♥ . Qiu calls both then they check down the river 7♥ .
Player | Hand | Chips |
QQ Quan Qiu | A♥7♠ BB | 33,000(66 BB) |
MT Michael Truong | A♦3♣ CO | 15,500(31 BB) |
With two pair for Qiu, the pot is sent his way.
Dmitry Suchkov Relentless Bets
Action packed preflop opens with a 600 raise by cutoff Shaun Harmer, small blind Quan Qiu bumps it up to 2000, big blind Dmitry Suchkov four-bets 5000 losing Harmer while Qiu calls. On the flop 2♣ T♥ 4♦ , Suchkov lays out 3000, Qiu check-calls for the turn 3♥ . Suchkov wastes no time counting and shoves, Qiu surrenders his hand.
Player | Chips |
DS Dmitry Suchkov | 37,700(126 BB) |
SH Shaun Harmer | 32,300(108 BB) |
QQ Quan Qiu | 12,100(40 BB) |
Day 1A
Babayev outdraws Quan

In a preflop raising war akin to a cash game with deep stacks, Quan Qiu of China called the 5-bet shove of Azerbaijan’s Agharazi Babayev and the latter’s tournament life was on the line. The cards are tabled and Quan shows A♠ 2♥ while Babayev holds A♦ 4♦ — much to the surprise of the members of the table.
The flop immediately gave Babayev the edge: 6♦ 6♠ 8♦. However, the turn card is the 8♠ and what looks to be a certain split pot turns into a victory for the Azerbaijani as the 9♦ shows up on the river, giving the nut flush. Quan’s stack dropped to below 14,000 while Babayev fortunate win puts him above the 65,000 chip mark.
Player | Chips |
AB Agharazi Babayev | 65,800(110 BB) |
QQ Quan Qiu | 13,700(23 BB) |