Blind level
Level 15: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
Total Chips

Day 1A

Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/21/2024, 11:17:38 AM

Li hits six figures, ousts Mitani

Level 7: 400 / 800 ante: 800

Action begins with a raise from UTG by Aleksandr Simakin for 2,000. He gets four callers in fellow Russian Dmitry Suchkov in the +1, Japan’s Jun Mitani in the HJ, and a pair of Chinese players in the CO’s Qiu Weiren and Li Shaoshuai in the BB.

They all see the flop of 3 6 2 as Li and Simakin check. Suchkov leads out for 3,500 and gets calls from Mitani and Qiu. Li then check-raises to 11,000 forcing the original raiser and the flop aggressor out of the hand. Mitani and Qiu, however, makes the calls. The turn is the 6 and now Li goes all-in. Mitani calls all-in as Qiu folds.

Li shows 3 3 for a set on the flop and a full house on the turn. Mitani reveals 4 4 for a gutshot on the flop and now reduced to two outs to stay in the tournament.

The river card is the Q sending the player from Japan to the rail and bringing Li’s stack over the 100,000 mark.

106,000(133 BB)
Dmitry SuchkovRussian Federation [RUS]Russian Federation
76,000(95 BB)
Aleksandr SimakinRussian Federation [RUS]Russian Federation
37,000(46 BB)
12,600(16 BB)