Day 2
Noyan Slamiya Busts With Aces

Noyan Slamiya jams his remaining 120,000 with A♦ A♥ and gets called by Hu Jinlong with A♠ 6♠ . With 3♣ 9♠ 2♠ K♥ 7♠ Hu hits a flush and sends Noyan Slamiya packing.
Player | Chips |
HJ Hu Jinlong | 820,000(41 BB) |
busted |
Jinlong Hu Criples Noyan Slamiya

Min-raise and a call from UTG Jinlong Hu and SB Noyan Slamiya gives us the flop 8♠ 5♥ 9♠ , with Slamiya donk-shoving 220,000 into Hu's shorter stack that goes in the middle as well. Two blanks keep Jinlong Hu's top set in the lead.
Player | Hand | Chips |
HJ Hu Jinlong | 9♠9♦ | 525,000(26 BB) |
A♠5♦ | 105,000(5 BB) |
Michael Falcon Gets Outdrawn

Michael Falcon opens 50,000 from the CO, stares down at a 240,000 jam from BB Noyan Slamiya and says call.
Player | Hand | Chips |
MF Michael Falcon | Q♥9♥ | 210,000(11 BB) |
T♥9♦ | 510,000(26 BB) |
Leaderboard Update
With 23 fighters left the top spots go to:
Player | Chips |
AB Agharazi Babayev | 1,550,000(129 BB) |
DK Donghyup Kim | 1,540,000(128 BB) |
HN Hieu Ngo | 1,510,000(126 BB) |
SM Sven Mcdermott | 1,200,000(100 BB) |
AB Adrien Berger | 1,200,000(100 BB) |
LS Lee Sunghak | 1,070,000(89 BB) |
CM Christopher Mateo | 800,000(67 BB) |
ZZ Ziad Zebib | 750,000(63 BB) |
ZX Zinan Xu | 675,000(56 BB) |
MF Michael Falcon | 530,000(44 BB) |
NS Nicola Spicher | 500,000(42 BB) |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 500,000(42 BB) |
DE David Erquiaga | 500,000(42 BB) |
HJ Hu Jinlong | 475,000(40 BB) |
325,000(27 BB) | |
NT Ngoc Thai Huynh | 320,000(27 BB) |
275,000(23 BB) | |
265,000(22 BB) | |
JC John Clyde Tan | 260,000(22 BB) |
KA Khoa Anh Ngo | 175,000(15 BB) |
RN Rindra Norodom | 145,000(12 BB) |
130,000(11 BB) |
Michael Falcon Misses Out

With Michael Falcon opening 35,000 from CO and Noyan Slamiya defending the BB we have action on the flop J♠ 3♥ A♣ . Falcon c-bets 25,000, countered by a 125,000 check-raise from Slamiya, who finds a strong fold with A♠ T♣ against Falcons 323,000 all-in with A♦ K♥
Player | Chips |
MF Michael Falcon | 432,000(36 BB) |
207,000(17 BB) |
With the blinds going up to 6,000/12,000 we have some changes among the leaders :
Player | Chips |
AB Adrien Berger | 1,190,000(99 BB) |
SM Sven Mcdermott | 1,143,000(95 BB) |
CM Christopher Mateo | 1,040,000(87 BB) |
DK Donghyup Kim | 750,000(63 BB) |
ZX Zinan Xu | 720,000(60 BB) |
HN Hieu Ngo | 700,000(58 BB) |
HA Huseyin Akgul | 700,000(58 BB) |
ZZ Ziad Zebib | 620,000(52 BB) |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 586,000(49 BB) |
NS Nicola Spicher | 573,000(48 BB) |
QL Qi Li | 526,000(44 BB) |
428,000(36 BB) | |
AB Agharazi Babayev | 425,300(35 BB) |
BV Bernard Vu | 410,000(34 BB) |
MF Michael Falcon | 360,000(30 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 340,000(28 BB) |
300,000(25 BB) | |
FL Ferdinand Lu | 274,000(23 BB) |
267,000(22 BB) | |
JC John Clyde Tan | 262,000(22 BB) |
NC Nevan Chang | 215,000(18 BB) |
RN Rindra Norodom | 202,000(17 BB) |
LS Lee Sunghak | 200,000(17 BB) |
NT Ngoc Thai Huynh | 196,000(16 BB) |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | 178,000(15 BB) |
KA Khoa Anh Ngo | 140,000(12 BB) |
99,000(8 BB) | |
HJ Hu Jinlong | 98,000(8 BB) |
NW Naoki Watanabe | 92,000(8 BB) |
JT Jean Testa | 90,000(8 BB) |
LS Leo Soma | 82,000(7 BB) |
Michael Falcon Scoops Up Some More

UTG Bernard Vu starts off with a 23,000 raise and finds three callers from HJ, CO and BB. Michael Falcon takes over with a 27,000 lead from HJ on 7♦ Q♠ 3♥ and picks it up right there.
Player | Chips |
SM Sven Mcdermott | 900,000(90 BB) |
MF Michael Falcon | 845,000(85 BB) |
BV Bernard Vu | 480,000(48 BB) |
112,000(11 BB) |
Jeremy Jehanne Bursts The Bubble

Jeremy Jehanne's forced all-in on the BB gets called by CO and SB. Checked to the river 5♣ 9♦ 4♦ 7♠ J♦ , Noyan Slamiya leads 8,000 to isolate and take it down with J♣ Q♥ against Jeremy Jehanne's K♦ 7♣ .
Player | Chips |
150,000(19 BB) | |
JJ Jeremy Jehanne | busted |
Falcon Pressures Slamiya
From mid position, Noyan Slamiya opens 17,000, down the orbit big blind Michael Kim Falcon three-bets 41,000 sending the action back to Slamiya who calls. On the flop 8♠ K♠ 3♠ , Falcon c-bets 30,000, Slamiya buys the turn 5♦ . With his massive arsenal, Falcon shoves sending Slamiya deep in the tank. Slamiya eventually folds and shows A♠ . Falcon flips over A♥ K♥ and scoops up the pot.
Player | Chips |
MF Michael Falcon | 740,000(123 BB) |
100,000(17 BB) |
Noyan Slamiya Doubles Up

Noyan Slamiya opens 13,000 +1 and finds two callers. A 23,000 c-bet on 9♦ A♥ 2♣ eliminates the BB and we go to the turn heads up. Check-calling a massive over shove by Michael Falcon on the 8♣ has Slamiya lose a time bank, but secure a double up with A♠ Q♦ against Falcon's J♣ 9♥ when the river gets revealed as the K♣ .
Player | Chips |
MF Michael Falcon | 640,000(107 BB) |
275,000(46 BB) |
Day 1A
End Of Day 1A - 22 Players
Player | Chips |
SM Sven Mcdermott | 544,000(136 BB) |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 306,000(77 BB) |
FL Frank Lillis | 265,000(66 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 248,000(62 BB) |
LQ Li Qi | 235,000(59 BB) |
CM Christopher Mateo | 219,000(55 BB) |
AB Adrien Berger | 218,000(55 BB) |
SL Shaoshuai Li | 187,000(47 BB) |
178,000(45 BB) | |
HN Hieu Ngo | 167,000(42 BB) |
167,000(42 BB) | |
SP Seonghun Park | 153,000(38 BB) |
SA Supakit Anukoolpitaknil | 138,000(35 BB) |
137,000(34 BB) | |
KB Koen Breed | 122,000(31 BB) |
VB Victor Bartulaba | 112,000(28 BB) |
ZX Zinan Xu | 97,000(24 BB) |
AV Armon Van Wijk | 87,000(22 BB) |
JJ Jeremy Jehanne | 86,000(22 BB) |
HJ Hu Jinlong | 82,000(21 BB) |
LZ Lei Zhang | 53,000(13 BB) |
LS Leo Soma | 49,000(12 BB) |
Chip Count
Player | Chips |
SM Sven Mcdermott | 450,000(150 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 324,000(108 BB) |
SL Shaoshuai Li | 287,000(96 BB) |
FL Frank Lillis | 255,000(85 BB) |
SP Seonghun Park | 197,000(66 BB) |
CM Christopher Mateo | 180,000(60 BB) |
LQ Li Qi | 170,000(57 BB) |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 163,000(54 BB) |
152,500(51 BB) | |
143,000(48 BB) |