Blind level
Level 15: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
Total Chips
Day 1A
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/21/2024, 3:56:19 PM
End Of Day 1A - 22 Players
Level 15: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
Player | Chips |
SM Sven Mcdermott | 544,000(136 BB) |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 306,000(77 BB) |
FL Frank Lillis | 265,000(66 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 248,000(62 BB) |
LQ Li Qi | 235,000(59 BB) |
CM Christopher Mateo | 219,000(55 BB) |
AB Adrien Berger | 218,000(55 BB) |
SL Shaoshuai Li | 187,000(47 BB) |
178,000(45 BB) | |
HN Hieu Ngo | 167,000(42 BB) |
167,000(42 BB) | |
SP Seonghun Park | 153,000(38 BB) |
SA Supakit Anukoolpitaknil | 138,000(35 BB) |
137,000(34 BB) | |
KB Koen Breed | 122,000(31 BB) |
VB Victor Bartulaba | 112,000(28 BB) |
ZX Zinan Xu | 97,000(24 BB) |
AV Armon Van Wijk | 87,000(22 BB) |
JJ Jeremy Jehanne | 86,000(22 BB) |
HJ Hu Jinlong | 82,000(21 BB) |
LZ Lei Zhang | 53,000(13 BB) |
LS Leo Soma | 49,000(12 BB) |
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/21/2024, 3:37:46 PM
Li Qi Doesn't Get The Bluff Through
Level 15: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000

Rare moment with three players in a limped pot all check the flop 9♠ T♥ 3♦ . Big blind Supaki Anukoolpitaknil leads out 6500 on the turn 2♣ and only button Li Qi calls. This brings them to the river 7♣ . Anukoolpitaknil checks then calls Li's 25,000 bet. Li has to show the 5♥ 6♥ bluff, and Anukoolpitaknil wins the pot with A♦ 7♥ .
Player | Chips |
LQ Li Qi | 234,000(59 BB) |
SA Supakit Anukoolpitaknil | 138,000(35 BB) |
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/21/2024, 3:27:10 PM
Cooler Sends Michael Bihari Out With Trips
Level 14: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000

Small blind Michael Bihari opens 9000 and big blind Li Qi defends. Both check to the turn K♦ 6♦ 7♣ T♠ . Bihari bets 10,000 then calls Li's 25,000 raise. On the river K♣ , it's checked to Li who bets 45,000, Bihari shoves 57,000, quick call from Li who opens up 8♣ 9♣ straight dusting Bihari's K♥ 9♠ trips.
Player | Chips |
LQ Li Qi | 285,000(95 BB) |
MA Michael Adam Bihari | busted |
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/21/2024, 2:55:23 PM
Chip Count
Level 14: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000
Player | Chips |
SM Sven Mcdermott | 450,000(150 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 324,000(108 BB) |
SL Shaoshuai Li | 287,000(96 BB) |
FL Frank Lillis | 255,000(85 BB) |
SP Seonghun Park | 197,000(66 BB) |
CM Christopher Mateo | 180,000(60 BB) |
LQ Li Qi | 170,000(57 BB) |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 163,000(54 BB) |
152,500(51 BB) | |
143,000(48 BB) |
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/21/2024, 1:24:44 PM
Current Top Stacks
Level 11: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500
Player | Chips |
SM Sven Mcdermott | 228,000(152 BB) |
FL Frank Lillis | 198,000(132 BB) |
SL Shaoshuai Li | 195,500(130 BB) |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 184,000(123 BB) |
SA Supakit Anukoolpitaknil | 182,500(122 BB) |
LQ Li Qi | 177,500(118 BB) |
JF Jacson Feng | 175,000(117 BB) |
WL William Lius | 127,000(85 BB) |
AV Armon Van Wijk | 127,000(85 BB) |
MA Michael Adam Bihari | 125,000(83 BB) |
117,000(78 BB) | |
KB Koen Breed | 110,000(73 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 108,900(73 BB) |
DK Donghyup Kim | 105,000(70 BB) |
HJ Hu Jinlong | 104,500(70 BB) |