Blind level
Level 15: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
Total Chips
Day 1C
11/23/2024, 8:22:49 AM
Yadi Yao Owns The Hand
Level 5: 200 / 500 ante: 500

Yadi Yao exerts dominance in this hand by raising 1100 that's called by two players which includes the big blind Emad Zarghami. They all check the flop until the turn 3♦ . Yao resumes for 1500, one player folds, Zarhami check raises 4000, and Yao calls. On the river 4♥ , Zarghami sends out 11,000, Yao answers with 30,000 push, Zarghami doesn't risk it.
Player | Chips |
YY Yadi Yao | 86,000(172 BB) |
EZ Emad Zarghami | 11,000(22 BB) |
Blind level
Level 15: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
Total Chips
Day 1B
11/22/2024, 11:27:05 AM
Quan Qiu Dominates Emad Zarghami's Pocket Pair
Level 9: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200

Quan Qiu has two callers before big blind Emad Zarghami three-bets all in for 25,300. Qiu calls and the rest fold. At the showdown, Qiu's pocket pair is ahead and stays that way throughout the board to bounce out Zarghami.
Player | Hand | Chips |
QQ Quan Qiu | J♣J♦ UTG+1 | 66,000(55 BB) |
EZ Emad Zarghami | 4♠4♦ BB | busted |
11/22/2024, 10:16:43 AM
Current Top Stacks
Level 8: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000

Player | Chips |
MF Michael Falcon | 153,000(153 BB) |
DK Donghyup Kim | 145,000(145 BB) |
HA Huseyin Akgul | 130,000(130 BB) |
JT Jean Testa | 117,000(117 BB) |
LK Luke Keay | 116,400(116 BB) |
TT Tetsuya Tsujisaka | 107,000(107 BB) |
HI Homma Itsuki | 103,500(104 BB) |
MP Manwoo Park | 103,400(103 BB) |
KB Kyle Bao Diep | 99,400(99 BB) |
YL Yannick Leonard | 96,400(96 BB) |
AV Anzhela Vasylenko | 95,800(96 BB) |
RS Roman Shcherbakov | 84,000(84 BB) |
YX Yinfei Xiao | 80,900(81 BB) |
HZ He Zhou | 80,000(80 BB) |
RR Robin Roth | 73,000(73 BB) |
NW Naoki Watanabe | 70,700(71 BB) |
JL Jungyeob Lee | 68,000(68 BB) |
VL Vladimir Litasov | 68,000(68 BB) |
XZ Xiaosheng Zheng | 66,700(67 BB) |
DS Dmitry Suchkov | 66,300(66 BB) |
SC Sha Chengchun | 65,600(66 BB) |
MT Michael Truong | 61,200(61 BB) |
EZ Emad Zarghami | 59,000(59 BB) |
SH Shaun Harmer | 52,000(52 BB) |
FG Francis Garson | 51,900(52 BB) |
AK Akihiro Konishi | busted |