Day 2
Lucky Catch For Danny Huynh

Danny Huynh had been announcing that he is going to shove soon with his short stack and did so on top of Robin Roth's 10,000 raise. Roth called the 60,000 and it was off to the races.
Player | Hand | Chips |
DH Danny Huynh | 7♥7♦ | 132,000(26 BB) |
RR Robin Roth | 8♠8♥ | 145,000(29 BB) |
Day 1B
End of Day 1B - 29 Players
Player | Chips |
MF Michael Falcon | 491,000(123 BB) |
DK Donghyup Kim | 313,000(78 BB) |
AB Aleksandr Blokhin | 291,000(73 BB) |
NZ Nikolai Zhivoderov | 280,000(70 BB) |
RH Ronald Haverkamp | 265,000(66 BB) |
XZ Xiaosheng Zheng | 247,000(62 BB) |
244,000(61 BB) | |
GW Guiyang Wang | 230,000(58 BB) |
IB Ira Blumenthal | 220,000(55 BB) |
VL Vladimir Litasov | 211,000(53 BB) |
YL Yannick Leonard | 201,000(50 BB) |
NT Ngoc Thai Huynh | 177,000(44 BB) |
NC Nevan Chang | 174,000(44 BB) |
HA Huseyin Akgul | 173,000(43 BB) |
JT Jean Testa | 163,000(41 BB) |
KL Kolja Lucking | 152,000(38 BB) |
NW Naoki Watanabe | 128,000(32 BB) |
JP Junpeng Pan | 122,000(31 BB) |
FL Ferdinand Lu | 118,000(30 BB) |
MH Meerwais Hussaini | 114,000(29 BB) |
HI Homma Itsuki | 112,000(28 BB) |
DS Dmitry Suchkov | 112,000(28 BB) |
BM Bruno Moyse | 106,000(27 BB) |
JY Jun Yamada | 101,000(25 BB) |
HZ He Zhou | 99,000(25 BB) |
85,000(21 BB) | |
DH Danny Huynh | 81,000(20 BB) |
NQ Nguyen Quang Huy | 74,000(19 BB) |
RR Robin Roth | 41,000(10 BB) |
Danny Huynh On The Rise

Danny Huynh calls Wooseok Kim's open shove of 28,000 and is ahead T♦ T♥ to Kim's A♥ 6♠ . With no help coming for Kim on a board 7♦ 2♠ 3♦ 3♠ 5♠ , Huynh ships it and chips up once more.
Player | Chips |
DH Danny Huynh | 95,500(48 BB) |
WK Wooseok Kim | busted |
Danny Huynh Doubles Up
Danny Huynh is in for all of his chips again but this time he has the smaller stack against Sha Chengchun.
Player | Hand | Chips |
DH Danny Huynh | A♥Q♦ SB | 65,000(33 BB) |
SC Sha Chengchun | A♠J♠ D | 56,000(28 BB) |
With no hits for Chengchun, Huynh doubles up.
Danny Huynh Doubles Up

Following the loss to Michael Kim Falcon, several hands after, Danny Huynh is all in for 32,000 and Dex Lim risks with less behind.
Player | Hand | Chips |
DH Danny Huynh | A♥T♦ D | 55,500(37 BB) |
DP Dex Poh Guan Lim | A♦7♦ BB | busted |
Falcon Pays And Lands The Flush

With 1000 in the pot, two players stare down 7♠ 3♠ 3♥ , true to form, Michael Kim Falcon bets it and Danny Huynh calls. The turn 8♠ brings a larger bet of 11,000 from Falcon, this time Huynh tests the Dane with a raise of 26,000. Falcon ain't budging and calls for the river 2♠ . Both check it. Falcon's has the higher flush.
Player | Hand | Chips |
DH Danny Huynh | 3♣4♠ | 32,500(22 BB) |
MF Michael Falcon | K♦T♠ | 265,000(177 BB) |
Day 1A
Danny Huynh Doubles Up

Danny Huynh raises then calls a three-bet shove for his tournament life
Player | Hand | Chips |
DH Danny Huynh | A♣K♠ UTG+1 | 58,000(39 BB) |
JF Jacson Feng | A♥Q♦ SB | 164,000(109 BB) |
No bad beat lands for a clean double up to Huynh.
Huynh’s Queens hold, catches Falcon

Australia’s Danny Huynh open from UTG for 1,100 and gets calls from Michael Flacon of Denmark and Brit John Kelly.
The flop is 6♦ T♥ J♦ as Huynh continues for 1,300. Falcon calls, but Kelly steps aside. The turn is the T♠ and this time, Huynh checks. Falcon takes the betting lead for 3,500 and the Australian makes the call. The river is the T♦ as Huynh checks again. Falcon now fires 6,000 and is quickly called by his opponent.
Falcon shows A♠ 9♦ while Huynh tables Q♥ Q♣ for a full house on the river and withstanding the Danish player’s aggression.
Player | Chips |
DH Danny Huynh | 76,000(152 BB) |
JK John Kelly (13) | 35,600(71 BB) |
MF Michael Falcon | 27,400(55 BB) |