Day 2
More Eliminations
Eliminations continue with Jonald Garcia railing Terence Liew, Oleg Mordassov doing the same to Son Changnam, and Hiroaki Terasaka finishing off Adones Carmona.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JG Jonald Garcia | A♥K♦ | 1,100,000(44 BB) |
TL Terence Liew | K♣J♦ | busted |
Player | Hand | Chips |
OM Oleg Mordassov | J♦J♣ | 1,380,000(55 BB) |
SC Son Changnam | 9♠9♥ | busted |
Player | Hand | Chips |
AC Adones Carmona | K♣6♥ | busted |
HT Hiroaki Terasaka | K♠Q♥ | 850,000(34 BB) |
Flight B
Son Changnam and Kyle Anderson chop it up

A four bet pot between Son Changnam and Kyle Anderson rolled flop Q♠ T♦ 7♦ . Son churned out a 15,000 bet, called by his opponent. On turn J♣ , both stacks rushed to the middle and shortly revealed both players' Ace Kings for a split pot.
Player | Chips |
49,000(82 BB) | |
KA Kyle Anderson (2) | 44,000(73 BB) |
Anderson Kyle pumps up the aggression

Button Son Changnam defended his open vs small blind Anderson Kyle's three bet to 2,700 and headed to flop J♣ T♦ 2♣ . Anderson led for 1,500 and another 7,500 on turn J♥ with Son calling behind on both streets. No slowing down, Anderson shoved for 18,400 on river 5♥ , convincing Son to finally give it up.
Player | Chips |
KA Kyle Anderson (2) | 42,500(142 BB) |
23,000(77 BB) |
Son Changnam double barrels through

Utg+2 Son Changnam opened to 800, called behind by Algerico Tabacon. Flop J♣ 2♦ 8♥ saw Son continue for 800 and another 1,600 on turn 4♣ . Tabacon called one street but gave it up after Son pulled another bet.
Player | Chips |
36,000(120 BB) | |
AT Algerico Tabacon | 29,000(97 BB) |