Blind level
Level 16: 2,000 / 5,000 ante: 5,000
Total Chips

Flight A

7/10/2024, 11:40:03 AM

Shinya Fukuhara Falls To Almusajin

Level 13: 1,000 / 2,500 ante: 2,500
Shinya Fukuhara

Mark Almusjin raises 6,500 and gets 3 callers to see the flop 5 5 4 . Big blind Shinya Fukuhara leads out 5,000, Almusjin raises to 17,000 turning away all other players except Fukuhara who re-raises all-in for 80,000. Almusjin snap-calls and flips over A 5 to show trips. Shinya needs help with 8 8. The turn 3 and river T complete the board. Shinya misses and is eliminated. Almusjin jumps to the top of the chip leader rankings.

Mark AlmusajinPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
320,000(128 BB)
7/10/2024, 11:24:30 AM

Guillermo Ricarte Drags In A Splash

Level 12: 1,000 / 2,000 ante: 2,000
Guillermo Ricarte

From cutoff, Ricarte Guillermo makes it 5,000 gets three callers to see a flop of 4 Q 7 . Guillermo c-bets for 12,000 and is called only by Fukihara Shinya. Guillermo fires again 19,000 at the 9 turn, Shinya opts to fold.

105,000(53 BB)
95,000(48 BB)
7/10/2024, 10:35:29 AM

Set OF Ducks For Shinya Fukuhara

Level 11: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500
Shinya Fukuhara

From utg+1 Park Seonghun raises to 3,000 and gets called by button player Shinya Fukuhara. Both players see a flop 2 9 6 . Park leads for 3,000 and Shinya calls. On the turn 8 , Shinya bets 3,000, Park check-calls. Same action on the river 5 with Park check-calling 6,000. Shinya shows 2 2 set, Park mucks.

120,000(80 BB)
75,000(50 BB)
7/10/2024, 9:49:00 AM

Kitamura Keita Hard-Betting

Level 10: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200
Kitamura Keita

Fukuhara Shinya opens 3600 from under the gun, Kitamura Keita pumps it to 17,000, Shinya makes the call. The flop comes 2 6 8 , Shinya check calls 4,700 c-bet of Kitamura. The turn 9 sees a 22,500 bet by Kitamura, Shinya folds.

170,000(142 BB)
90,000(75 BB)
7/10/2024, 8:16:25 AM

Shinya Fukuhara Scoops With Big Slick

Level 6: 300 / 600 ante: 600
Shinya Fukuhara

Brian Mok opens 1,600 from under the gun, cutoff Fukuhara Shinya three-bets 3,200, small blind Kevin Mendoza is all in for his last 5,100, and is called by both players. When the board runs K 6 9 2 5 , Mok calls down Fukuhara's bets 5000, 10,000, 15,000 . Fukuhara has A K and wins the side pot against Mok's K J . Mendoza has A 2 and busts.

100,000(167 BB)
Brian MokSingapore [SGP]Singapore
35,000(58 BB)
Kevin MendozaPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
7/10/2024, 6:26:33 AM

Ireneo Javalera Wins The Race

Level 3: 100 / 300 ante: 300
Ireneo Javalera

After paying a costly double up to Mark Almusajin, Ireneo Javalera pushes all-in with his remaining 4,000. Fukuhara Shinya in the next seat isolates with a re-raise to 12,500. Javalera shows 9 9 , Shinya with A K . The board runs Q Q T 3 8 giving Javalera the win and the much needed chips/

Ireneo Javalera: 8,700

Fukuhara Shinya: 26,000

26,000(87 BB)
Ireneo JavaleraPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
8,700(29 BB)
7/10/2024, 5:43:42 AM

Ireneo Javalera Wins The Pre-Flop Battle

Level 2: 100 / 200 ante: 200
Ireneo Javalera

Ireneo Javalera raises to 400 from under the gun and next to him Fukuhara Shinya three-bets to 1,200. The table folds the action back to Javalera who pushes all-in, Shinya folds.

Ireneo JavaleraPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
31,000(155 BB)
25,000(125 BB)
7/10/2024, 5:33:42 AM

Hidden Set for Raphael Bulaong

Level 1: 100 / 100 ante: 100
Raphael Bulaong

From utg, Fukuhara Shinya raises to 600 and finds three callers to the flop K 2 3. Shinya c-bets another 600, button folds while the blinds call. No stopping Shinya who bets 1000 on the turn 8, only big blind Raphael Bulaong continues with a check-raise of 3300. Shinya calls and head to the river A. Bulaong leads out 4200, Shinya tank-calls and reveals K 9 which is no good against Bulaong's 8 8 set.

Fukuhara Shinya: 27,000

Bulaong Raphael: 45,000

Raphael BulaongPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
45,000(450 BB)
27,000(270 BB)