Day 2
Oleg Mordassov Crosses A Mil

All in preflop.
Player | Hand | Chips |
LY Li Yinding Jack | 9♣9♠ | busted |
OM Oleg Mordassov | K♥K♣ | 1,040,000(65 BB) |
Flight B
Ampatuan Badrudin puts pressure on opponents

Utg+1 Ampatuan Badrudin opened to 10,000, called by small blind Li Yinding Jack. Big blind Kim Myungjoon sent out a three bet to 25,000 and saw both players complete for a three way pot. Flop came 3♣ 2♣ 9♥ and Kim continued for another 17,000. Both Ampatuan and Li make the call, revealing turn 3♠ . Checked to Ampatuan, he fired 23,000, check called only by Li. By river K♦, Ampatuan chucked out a final 100,000 and Li surrenders, saving his 22 BB behind.
Player | Chips |
420,000(84 BB) | |
110,000(22 BB) | |
MK Myungjoon Kim | 71,000(14 BB) |
Top pair good for Ampatuan Badrudin

Cutoff Li Yinding Jack opened to 8,000 and saw Ampatuan Badrudin defend his big blind to see flop 6♣ 7♣ 3♥ . Ampatuan led for 10,000, called by the raiser. Turn K♣ and river 3♦ were checked through, revealing Ampatuan's K♥ 8♥ . Li mucks and Ampatuan claims the pot.
Player | Chips |
270,000(68 BB) | |
135,000(34 BB) |
Jharome Pena runs into aces

With a 60,000 pot in the middle on board 6♦ T♣ 8♣ 3♦ , action was seen on Jharome Pena firing an all-in for 66,000, called by Li Yinding Jack behind with A♣ A♠ . Pena with A♦ 9♦ , is drawing for a third diamond which unfortunately didn't come on river 3♣ for his elimination.
Player | Chips |
310,000(103 BB) | |
JP Jharome Pena | busted |
Jason Cruz outflops Li Yinding Jack

Facing an open, Jason Cruz stuffed in his remaining 53,000 with A♠ J♣ and was called behind by big blind Li Yinding Jack with A♣ K♥ . Dominated, Cruz luckily spiked a jack on board J♦ 7♠ 4♥ 3♠ 7♦ for a full double up.
Player | Chips |
225,000(90 BB) | |
JC Jason Cruz (4) | 112,500(45 BB) |
Li Yinding Jack crushes with aces

Another all-in preflop situation saw Ampatuan Badrudin in trouble after getting his last 38,000 with J♠ J♥ against Li Yinding Jack's A♥ A♠ . The board Q♦ 8♥ 6♠ Q♥ T♦ offered no help, sending Ampatuan for the rails in quick fashion.
Player | Chips |
175,000(219 BB) | |
busted |