Day 2
Kaito Date Jams For The Pot

Action folds to the button Kaito Date who raises 13,000 that's called by the blinds. Kaito continues with a 16,000 bet on the flop 9♠ 4♠ 6♠ , only small blind Jason Cruz calls. Kaito jams 108,000 on the turn 6♣ and wins the pot without further challenge.
Player | Chips |
JC Jason Cruz (4) | 220,000(44 BB) |
KD Kaito Date | 184,000(37 BB) |
Flight D
Kaito Date Claims A Stack

Kaito Date min-raises and gets two callers to see the flop J♣ 8♣ 3♥ . Action checks to Hsin Jui Hsin at the button who bets 18,000, bb folds, gets raised by Kaito to 64,000 before going all-in for 90,000. Date calls and shows A♣ J♥ , Hsin shows 5♣ 4♣ a draw. The turn T♠ and river Q♠ sends Hsin to the rail.
Player | Chips |
KD Kaito Date | 260,000(43 BB) |
busted |
Kaito Date Takes Down Eldee Lim

Lim Eldee pushes all-in pre-flop for his last 52,000 and gets a call from Date Kaito.
Lim Eldee Q♣ T♠
Date Kaito: 8♥ 8♠
Board runs 9♥ 6♦ 6♠ 9♦ 5♣
Kaito's pair eights play for a better 2 pair and Lim is sent to the rail.
Lim Eldee: busted
Date Kaito: 126,000
Player | Hand | Chips |
EL Eldee Lim | Q♣T♠ | busted |
KD Kaito Date | 8♥8♠ | 126,000(32 BB) |