Day 2
Junhui Lee Eliminated in 13th Place - PHP 105,000 / $1,800

Junhui Lee tosses in his last 3 bb and falls to Ron Ryan Mesina.
Player | Hand | Chips |
RR Ron Ryan Mesina | K♦T♣ | 1,860,000(23 BB) |
JL Junhui Lee | 9♦3♠ | busted |
Ron Ryan Mesina Finds The River

Junhui Lee three-bets all in and Ron Ryan Mesina calls with less behind.
Player | Hand | Chips |
RR Ron Ryan Mesina | 9♦T♦ | 1,560,000(20 BB) |
JL Junhui Lee | 8♣8♦ | 250,000(3 BB) |
Junhui Lee's Kings Good Timing

All in preflop. Junhui Lee wins a much needed double up but still short.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JL Junhui Lee | K♣K♦ | 375,000(8 BB) |
HR Hal Rotholz | K♥Q♣ | 340,000(7 BB) |
Double Up For Kun Lim

Small blind Junhui Lee open shoves and big blind Kun Lim calls with less behind.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JL Junhui Lee | A♥T♥ | 125,000(3 BB) |
KL Kun Lim | T♦T♣ | 1,410,000(35 BB) |
Oleg Mordassov Grinding

Cutoff Oleg Mordassov opens and big blind Junhui Lee defends. The flop A♠ 2♦ Q♦ sees Mordassov continue with 60,000, Lee check-calls. No bets land on the turn 3♣ then Mordassov sends out 160,000 on the river. Lee folds.
Player | Chips |
OM Oleg Mordassov | 1,600,000(53 BB) |
JL Junhui Lee | 1,050,000(35 BB) |
Big Stacks
Player | Chips |
KA Kyle Anderson (2) | 1,710,000(57 BB) |
OM Oleg Mordassov | 1,400,000(47 BB) |
JG Jonald Garcia | 1,300,000(43 BB) |
JL Junhui Lee | 1,200,000(40 BB) |
KH Kurushima Hiroya | 1,100,000(37 BB) |
Renato Villanueva Outdrawn

Renato Villanueva calls for his tournament life with big slick then is outdrawn bj Junhui Lee's lower card.
Player | Hand | Chips |
RV Renato Villanueva Jr | A♥K♥ | busted |
JL Junhui Lee | A♦J♦ | 630,000(39 BB) |
Junhui Lee Gets Shoved

Junhui Lee opens 25,000 then heads to the flop 6♣ 4♠ 2♦ with two callers. Action folds to button Oleg Mordassov who bets 25,000, only Lee challenges with a check-raise of 100,000. Mordassov answers with a shove, well covering Lee who decides to fold.
Player | Chips |
OM Oleg Mordassov | 740,000(62 BB) |
JL Junhui Lee | 390,000(33 BB) |
Junhui Lee Stopped At The Turn

Junhui Lee opens and finds two callers to the flop 4♦ 2♠ Q♥ . Lee bets 25,000 and finds one caller in Philip Reyes to the turn 5♣ . Lee check this time, Reyes takes the reins and fires 60,000, Lee lays it down.
Player | Chips |
PR Philip Reyes | 560,000(47 BB) |
JL Junhui Lee | 535,000(45 BB) |
Junhuil Lee Denies Kei Akaogi

More shoves around the room with Kei Akaogi among the casualties. Akaogi three-bet all in for 99,000 and fell to Junhui Lee.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JL Junhui Lee | J♥J♠ | 500,000(50 BB) |
KA Kei Akaogi | A♣Q♠ | busted |
Flight C
Lee Junhui Rails Jose Drilon

Jose Drilon moves all-in for 79,000, Lee Junhui calls .
Jose Drilon: K♣ 7♣
Lee Junhui: K♠ J♠
Board runs A♠ 3♥ 6♣ K♦ 5♠ with Drilon's pair kings out-kicked, ending his tournament run.
Jose Drilon: out
Lee Junhui: 270,000
Player | Hand | Chips |
JD Jose Drilon | K♣7♣ | busted |
JL Junhui Lee | K♠J♠ | 270,000(54 BB) |
Junhui Lee Finishes Off Francis Villamar

All in preflop.
Player | Hand | Chips |
FV Francis Villamar | K♠7♠ | busted |
JL Junhui Lee | K♣T♣ | 155,000(52 BB) |
Michael Gabby Concepcion Wins The Flip

Lee Junhui raises to 2,500 from under the gun, gets the next seat to call, then Michael Gabby Concepcion pushes all-in for 30,000 with Lee the only caller.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JL Junhui Lee | 8♥8♠ | 77,000(64 BB) |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | A♦Q♣ | 65,000(54 BB) |
Junhui Lee's Higher Overpair Rails Jeffrey Calonge

Lee Junhui raises 800 from cutoff, big blind Jeffrey Calonge three-bets 2,600, Lee four-bets 7,000, Calonge ends the preflop battle with a call. Lee continues with a 4,000 bet on the flop T♠ 6♥ 2♥ flop then another 8,000 on the turn 4♣ , both are called. On the river 7♥ , Calonge checks, Lee pushes 30,000, putting Calonge all-in for his remaining 8,200. Calonge risks it then shows J♠ J♦ . Lee flips over K♥ K♦ to send Calonge packing.
Player | Chips |
JL Junhui Lee | 73,000(243 BB) |
JC Jeffrey Calonge | busted |
Liberty Icao Earns With Continuation Bet

Four players limp in, small blind Liberty Icao raises to 2,000 with Robert Williams and Lee Junhui calling. Icao c-bets for 5,000 on the 2♠ 2♦ 9♠ flop and wins the pot uncontested.
Player | Chips |
IL Icao Liberty | 37,000(185 BB) |
JL Junhui Lee | 28,500(143 BB) |
RW Robert Williams | 27,600(138 BB) |
RW Robert Williams (15) | 22,000(110 BB) |