Day 2
Jae Yi Chang Eliminated in 14th Place - PHP 90,000 / $1,540

Jae Chang opens then calls Kurushima Hiroya's three-bet shove. Chang is at risk with less chips.
Player | Hand | Chips |
KH Kurushima Hiroya | 8♦8♠ | 2,500,000(42 BB) |
JC Jae Chang | T♠T♥ | busted |
Wei Chen Lim Crosses 2M

Button player Jae Yi Chang opens then calls small blind Wei Chen Lin's 210,000 three-bet. Lin then shoves on a flop A♣ 7♣ 2♣ , Chang gives up his hand. Lin crosses into the 2 Million marker.
Player | Chips |
WC Wei Chen Lin | 2,100,000(53 BB) |
JC Jae Chang | 400,000(10 BB) |
Jae Yi Chang Wins The Three-Way

Following a shove by Guillermo Ricarte, Badrudin Ampatuan calls, Jae Yi Chang joins the all in with 294,000, Ampatuan calls to put them at risk.
Player | Hand | Chips |
GR Guillermo Ricarte | A♦6♥ | busted |
BA Badrudin Ampatuan | A♣Q♣ | 705,000(35 BB) |
JC Jae Chang | A♠K♥ | 756,000(38 BB) |
Badrudin Ampatuan Sends Jae Yi Chang Deep In The Tank

From utg Badrudin Ampatuan raises 3600, next to act Jae Yi Chang three-bets 85,000, Ampatuan calls. On the flop 5♦ 4♦ 4♣ , Chang sends out 100,000, Ampatuan check-calls to bring the turn Q♠ . Ampatuan leads out with a shove, Chang is covered and opts to fold after using four time extensions.
Player | Chips |
BA Badrudin Ampatuan | 1,080,000(68 BB) |
JC Jae Chang | 274,000(17 BB) |
Flight B
Jose Jay Padilla gives it up

Utg+1 Jose Jay Padilla opened to 2,500, called by Jae Yi Chang behind. On flop 3♣ K♥ 3♦ , Padilla continued for 2,500 and another 3,000 on turn 3♥ . Chang called two streets and went on to fire an 11,000 bet on river Q♥ after Padilla checked. Padilla gives up the fight and folds.
Player | Chips |
JC Jae Chang | 41,000(41 BB) |
JP Jay Padilla | 33,000(33 BB) |