Final Day
Hiroaki Terasaka Eliminated In 7th Place - PHP 270,000 / 4,620

All in preflop with Hiroaki Tersaka open-raising from small blind and runs into big blind Kurushima Hiroya's rockets.
Player | Hand | Chips |
HT Hiroaki Terasaka | K♦Q♣ | busted |
KH Kurushima Hiroya | A♥A♠ | 3,300,000(21 BB) |
Redentor Edoc Climbing Back Up

Redentor Edoc opens and is called by Hiroaki Terasaka. On the flop K♣ 8♦ 5♠ , Edoc continues for 125,000 then calls Hiroaki's check-raise of 300,000. The turn 6♠ Edoc shoves and wins it after Hiroaki tank-folds.
Player | Chips |
RE Redentor Edoc | 2,600,000(33 BB) |
HT Hiroaki Terasaka | 1,370,000(17 BB) |
Shortest Hiroaki Terasaka Increases A Bit

Hijack Hiroaki Terasaka opens and big blind Kyle Anderson calls. After the flop J♣ 3♦ T♠ is felted, Terasaka bets 125,000 and gets called. Both check the turn 2♣ and 8♠ river. Tersasaka shows Q♥ T♦ beating Anderson's Q♠ 3♠ .
Player | Chips |
HT Hiroaki Terasaka | 1,705,000(28 BB) |
KA Kyle Anderson (2) | 1,350,000(23 BB) |
Day 2
Hiroaki Terasaka Dodges Overcards

Hiroaki Terasaka three-bets all in for 370,000, Ron Ryan Mesina calls then pays.
Player | Hand | Chips |
RR Ron Ryan Mesina | Q♣T♦ | 1,400,000(18 BB) |
HT Hiroaki Terasaka | 4♠4♥ | 900,000(11 BB) |
Hiroaki Terasaka Saved By The River

Hijack Hiroaki Terasaka raises 235,000 preflop leaving 25,000 behind. Big blind Jay Padilla calls and head to the flop Q♥ 3♣ 6♥ . Terasaka tosses in his remaining chips and Padilla calls again.
Hiroaki Terasaka A♥ T♦
Jay Padilla K♠ Q♣ top pair
The turn 7♥ is no help but the A♥ is one of Terasaka's outs to stay in the running.
Philip Baider Wins The River Battle

Utg Hiroaki Terasaka opens 65,000 and is looked up by button Philip Baider. Both check to the turn Q♣ 2♠ 7♠ 9♠ , Baider bets 80,000, Terasaka check-calls and head to the river Q♠ . Baider lays out 200,000, Terasaka raises to 450,000, Baider shoves, Terasaka surrenders and drops to 10 bb.
Player | Chips |
PB Philip Baider | 1,450,000(48 BB) |
HT Hiroaki Terasaka | 300,000(10 BB) |
More Eliminations
Eliminations continue with Jonald Garcia railing Terence Liew, Oleg Mordassov doing the same to Son Changnam, and Hiroaki Terasaka finishing off Adones Carmona.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JG Jonald Garcia | A♥K♦ | 1,100,000(44 BB) |
TL Terence Liew | K♣J♦ | busted |
Player | Hand | Chips |
OM Oleg Mordassov | J♦J♣ | 1,380,000(55 BB) |
SC Son Changnam | 9♠9♥ | busted |
Player | Hand | Chips |
AC Adones Carmona | K♣6♥ | busted |
HT Hiroaki Terasaka | K♠Q♥ | 850,000(34 BB) |
Flight C
Intense Battle Of The Blinds

Action folds to the small blind Terasaka Hioraki who raises 13,000 big blind Lemmor Patulot defends from the big blind and flop comes 7♣ 6♣ 7♥ . Terasaka fires 13,000, Patulot raises to 32,000, Terasaka calls. On the turn 2♦ , Patulot jams 52,000, Terasaka calls. Both have the small pair.
Terasaka Hiroaki T♦ 2♠
Lemmor Patulot K♠ 2♥
The river 3♦ does not improve Terasaka, Patulot's kicker plays.
Player | Chips |
HT Hiroaki Terasaka | 285,000(48 BB) |
LP Lemmor Patulot | 200,000(33 BB) |
Jaeki Choi Calls To His Doom

Choi Jaeki min-raises and Terasaka Hiroaki defends from the big blind. Both see a flop 5♦ T♠ 9♣ . Choi bets12,000 that's called. On the 8♠ turn, Choi fires another 20,000, this time Terasaka check-raises to 56,000, Choi calls. On the 4♥ river, Terasaka shoves all-in to put Choi at risk. Choi tanks for a good 5 minutes before putting the rest of his 73,000 in the pot.
Choi shows K♠ 9♠ for a pair of nines, but is outclassed by the 6♣ 7♥ of Terasaka making an overkill straight from four to ten, also ending Choi's tournament life.
Terasaka Hiroaki: 375,000
Choi Jaeki: busted
Player | Chips |
HT Hiroaki Terasaka | 375,000(63 BB) |
JC Jaeki Choi | busted |
Hiroaki Terasaka Takes It On The Turn

Rotholz Hal Oscar's opens then calls Terasaka Hiroaki 14,500 big blind re-raise. Both check the flop A♦ T♠ 8♥ . Terasaka check-calls 16,000 for the A♠ turn then fires 20,000 with on the river J♦ . Rotholz folds to award Terasaka the pot.
Player | Chips |
HT Hiroaki Terasaka | 340,000(113 BB) |
HR Hal Rotholz | 45,000(15 BB) |
Hiroaki Terasaka Wins The Three-Way Showdown

Three-way all in preflop.
Player | Hand | Chips |
DS Dexter Santos | A♠K♠ | 52,000(26 BB) |
HT Hiroaki Terasaka | Q♣Q♠ | 132,000(66 BB) |
RM Richard Marquez | Q♦J♣ | busted |