Day 2
Jae Yi Chang Wins The Three-Way

Following a shove by Guillermo Ricarte, Badrudin Ampatuan calls, Jae Yi Chang joins the all in with 294,000, Ampatuan calls to put them at risk.
Player | Hand | Chips |
GR Guillermo Ricarte | A♦6♥ | busted |
BA Badrudin Ampatuan | A♣Q♣ | 705,000(35 BB) |
JC Jae Chang | A♠K♥ | 756,000(38 BB) |
Flight A
Guillermo Ricarte Pushes Out Almusajin

Guillermo Ricarte opens 7,000 from under the gun, button Mark Almusajin re-raises to 21,000. Guillermo makes the call and both players see a flop of K♥ K♠ 6♥ . Guillermo check calls a 15,000 bet. On the turn 2♦ , Guillermo checks again, Almusjin bets out 37,000, Guillermo raises all-in for 90,000 to push out Almusajin.
Player | Chips |
GR Guillermo Ricarte | 210,000(70 BB) |
MA Mark Almusajin | 200,000(67 BB) |
Guillermo Ricarte Drags In A Splash

From cutoff, Ricarte Guillermo makes it 5,000 gets three callers to see a flop of 4♦ Q♠ 7♠ . Guillermo c-bets for 12,000 and is called only by Fukihara Shinya. Guillermo fires again 19,000 at the 9♣ turn, Shinya opts to fold.
Player | Chips |
GR Guillermo Ricarte | 105,000(53 BB) |
SF Shinya Fukuhara | 95,000(48 BB) |
Pot For Jason Cruz

From utg, Jason Cruz opens 2600 and gets action from two callers. On the flop 2♥ 2♠ 3♠ , Cruz c-bets 2200, button Badrudin Ampatuan raises 8000, small blind Guillermo Ricarte folds, Cruz calls. Both players check the turn A♥ . Cruz fires 5700 on the river, gets a call from Ampatuan, Cruz shows A♠ 3♦ for two pair and Ampatuan mucks his hand.
Jason Cruz: 53,000
Badrudin Ampatuan: 67,000
Ricarte Guillermo: 33,000
Player | Chips |
67,000(56 BB) | |
JC Jason Cruz (4) | 53,000(44 BB) |
GR Guillermo Ricarte | 33,000(28 BB) |
Liao Po Hsun Survives The Flip

Utg+1 Kim Kunwoo DK opens 2600, cutoff Guillermo Ricarte calls, button Liao Po Hsun three-bets 10,500, Kim folds, Ricarte four-bet jams and Liao takes the risk for less chips.
Guillermo Ricarte A♣ Q♣
Liao Po Hsun 9♣ 9♠
The board runs Q♣ 4♠ 9♦ A♠ 2♦, giving some hope for Ricarte heading to the river, but not enough to defeat Liao's set.
Player | Chips |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 58,000(48 BB) |
KK Kim Kunwoo | 37,000(31 BB) |
GR Guillermo Ricarte | 18,000(15 BB) |