Flight B
Gosai Diven suffers terrible bad beat

Button Gosai Diven opened to 1,200 and was met with a three bet to 4,200 from big blind Jason Cruz. Gosai answered with an all-in, leaving Cruz to call off for his 25,800 stack with A♠ Q♣ . Gosai is ahead with K♣ K♥ up until the board K♦ J♦ Q♠ T♥ 8♦ rolled a straight for Cruz to take it down.
Player | Chips |
JC Jason Cruz (4) | 52,300(105 BB) |
DG Diven Gosai | 38,000(76 BB) |
Yoo Gyeong Tae piles it high

A three way all-in ensued revealing board A♦ 7♣ 8♠ 2♦ 8♥ . Yoo is a massive favorite with his rockets crushing both premium pairs to propel him right into the lead.
Player | Hand | Chips |
A♠A♣ | 81,500(272 BB) | |
DG Diven Gosai | K♥K♠ | busted |
JC Jeremy Catalig | J♣J♦ | busted |
Jeremy Catalig picks up a pot

A three way raised pot went on to see flop A♠ 4♠ 5♣ . Action was checked to raiser Gosai Diven who bet 1,000, check called by Jeremy Catalig. Turn 7♠ was checked through, revealing river 2♦ . Catalig this time, led for 3,300 and picked up the pot after Diven slipped his hand in the muck.
Player | Chips |
JC Jeremy Catalig | 28,000(93 BB) |
DG Diven Gosai | 24,000(80 BB) |
Flight A
Christian Lortie Defends With A Shove

Heavy preflop action opens with Brian Mok limping from under the gun, Diven Gosai in the next seat raises to 2,000, button Jason Marhen Simbre calls, big blind Lortie Cloutier Christian pushes all-in for 18,500, no callers.
Player | Chips |
BM Brian Mok | 76,000(152 BB) |
DG Diven Gosai | 40,000(80 BB) |
CL Christian Lortie | 23,000(46 BB) |
MS Marhen Simbre | 19,000(38 BB) |
Diven Gosai Earns With Top Pair

Under the gun opens 1000 and finds four callers to the flop 4♦ 6♠ J♣ . Utg+1 Ishimura Sakito bets 2400 and is joined by three callers to the turn 4♥ . Everyone checks to bring the river 8♠ . Big blind Diven Gosai leads out 6,000, only Ishimura calls. Diven has Q♥ J♥ , Ishimura mucks.
Player | Chips |
16,500(33 BB) | |
DG Diven Gosai | busted |