Flight A
Split It Up!

Benigno Ledina limps in for the minimum, Kevin Mendoza raises 2500, and Ledina takes him up on the action. On the flop of Q♦ J♥ 9♠ , Ledina bets 2,000 and Mendoza calls. Another 5000 bet by Ledina on the turn 3♠ that's called again. Ledina slows to a check on the river 8♣ , Mendoza bets 15,000, Ledina commits his last 13,100.
Kevin Mendoza T♣ 9♥
Benigno Ledina T♥ T♠
Both players hit a straight and split the pot.
Player | Chips |
KM Kevin Mendoza | 60,000(60 BB) |
BL Benigno Ledina | 22,600(23 BB) |
Kevin Mateo Takes It Without A Fight

Kevin Mateo raises to 1,400 from under the gun and is joined by three callers to the flop A♣ 5♣ J♦ . Everyone checks to bring the turn K♠ . Mateo c-bets 6000 and wins with no one interested.
Kevin Mateo: 40,000
Moon Young Chan: 85,000
Renato Alcano: 40,000
Benigno Ledina: 41,000
Player | Chips |
85,000(142 BB) | |
BL Benigno Ledina | 41,000(68 BB) |
40,000(67 BB) | |
RA Ronato Alcano | 40,000(67 BB) |
Benigno Ledina Has The Ace

From hijack, Bengino Ledina raises to 1,300, cutoff Seo Jin Young re-raises to 3,500, Ledina calls and both players see a flop 7♠ 6♦ A♥ . Ledina check-calls a 1,500 bet then both players check the turn 5♠ . On the river A♠ , Ledina leads out 3,500, get the calls and shows A♣ 10s trips for the pot.
Benigno Ledina: 35,000
Seo Jin Young: 30,000
Player | Chips |
BL Benigno Ledina | 35,000(58 BB) |
JY Jin Young Seo | 30,000(50 BB) |