Final Day
John Niko Costiniano Falls In 4th Place - PHP 1,330,000

Anastasios Pavlou opens from utg, John Costiniano defends the big blind then heads to a flop 2♦ 6♥ 3♥ . Pavlou continues 125,000, Costiniano check-raises 425,000, Pavlou jams over 3.7 Million, Costiniano calls with much less behind.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JC John Costiniano | 4♥6♠ | busted |
AP Anastasios Pavlou | 2♥2♣ | 5,050,000(101 BB) |
Costiniano misses on the turn 7♦ and river T♦ to exit in 4th place.
Anastasios Pavlou Shaves Some From Costiniano

Small blind John Costiniano limps and big blind Anastasios Pavlou checks. On a flop 3♥ K♠ 5♦ , Costiniano bets 50,000, Pavlou calls, then both check the turn 5♣ .On the river 4♠ , Costiniano bangs out 125,000, Pavlou calls. Costiniano shows K♣ T♠ top pair which is behind Pavlou's Q♣ 5♠ trips.
Player | Chips |
AP Anastasios Pavlou | 4,260,000(85 BB) |
JC John Costiniano | 1,225,000(25 BB) |
Mike Takayama Dropping

From the small blind, Mike Takayama calls a raise and heads to the flop with button Seonghun Jeong and big blind John Costiniano. At the flop 6♣ T♠ 9♠ , Jeong c-bets 50,000 , blinds call again. On the turn 6♥ , Takayama checks once more then folds to Costiniano 120,000 bet while Jeong calls. No bets on the river 7♠ . Jeong flips T♦ Q♣ and rakes it in.
Player | Chips |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 2,160,000(54 BB) |
JC John Costiniano | 1,455,000(36 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 270,000(7 BB) |
Preflop Takedown For Florencio Campomanes

Preflop battle begins with utg Florencio Campomanes bumping it up to 90,000, cutoff Edgar Asehan three-bets 150,000, small blind John Costiniano four-bets 550,000, Campomanes five-bets 1,100,000, no takers.
Player | Chips |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 3,100,000(78 BB) |
JC John Costiniano | 1,700,000(43 BB) |
EA Edgar Asehan | 950,000(24 BB) |
Mike Takayama Earns With Ace-King

Small blind Mike Takayama limps, John Costiniano checks, both players check the flop 2♦ A♥ 3♠ . On the turn 6♣ , Costiniano bets 30,000, Takayama check-calls to bring the river 9♥ . Takayama leads out 150,000, Costiniano calls, Takayama isn't bluffing this time with A♠ K♣ top pair.
Player | Chips |
JC John Costiniano | 2,400,000(80 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 800,000(27 BB) |
No Slowing Down For Florencio Campomanes

Heavy preflop action opens with cutoff John Costiniano min-raising, buttton Anastasios Pavlou three-bets 140,000, small blind Florencio Campomanes four-bets 310,000, Costiniano gets out of the way while Pavlou slides out the call.
On the flop 6♣ 7♥ 6♦ , Campomanes fires 180,000, Pavlou calls, to bring the turn 2♠ .Campomanes sends out 355,000 and this time, Pavlou gives it up.
Player | Chips |
AP Anastasios Pavlou | 2,875,000(96 BB) |
JC John Costiniano | 2,400,000(80 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 2,300,000(77 BB) |
Check-Raise Does It For Mike Takayama

From utg, John Costiniano bumps it up to 60,000, the blinds call, flop comes 5♦ 3♣ T♣ . Action is checked to Costiniano and he bets 65,000, small blind folds, big blind Mike Takayama raises 190,000, Costiniano assesses then folds.
Player | Chips |
JC John Costiniano | 2,400,000(80 BB) |
EA Edgar Asehan | 1,100,000(37 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 650,000(22 BB) |
John Costiniano Catches The Bluff

Seonghun Jeong opens from cutoff and John Costiniano defend his big blind. Both check the flop J♦ 4♦ 6♠ , Costiniano bets 90,000 on the turn T♦ , Jeong charges back 220,000, Costiniano flats. On the river 9♣ , Costiniano check-calls Jeong's 400,000 bet. Jeong flips over a bluff and plunges.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JC John Costiniano | J♥6♥ | 2,500,000(83 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | A♠9♥ | 675,000(23 BB) |
Aggressive Bets By John Costiniano

John Costiniano raises 60,000 from cutoff, small blind Florencio Campomanes re-raises 170,000, back to Costiniano who fires a four-bet of 450,000 and wins the pot without further challenge.
Player | Chips |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 2,170,000(72 BB) |
JC John Costiniano | 2,080,000(69 BB) |
John Costiniano Denies Takayama's Bluff

Utg John Costiniano opens 60,000 and big blind Mike Takayama defends. Both check to the river T♥ 7♥ J♥ J♦ 3♦ , Takayama leads out 85,000, Costiniano calls, Takayama flips over 4♠ 9♠ bluff, Costiniano wins the pot with T♦ 9♦ .
Player | Chips |
JC John Costiniano | 1,705,000(57 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 390,000(13 BB) |
Chip Count Update
Player | Chips |
AP Anastasios Pavlou | 3,100,000(103 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 2,255,000(75 BB) |
JC John Costiniano | 1,500,000(50 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 1,275,000(43 BB) |
EA Edgar Asehan | 1,000,000(33 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 595,000(20 BB) |
Seonghun Jeong Doubles Up

Utg+2 John Costiniano opens 50,000, Seonghun Jeong defends the big blind. Costiniano continues 55,000 on a flop A♠ 9♥ 8♣ , Jeong check-calls. The turn T♠ sees a larger 145,000 bet from Costiniano, Jeong replies with a check-raise all in for 400,000, Costiniano covers and calls.
The river 6♦ is a double up for Jeong.
Player | Hand | Chips |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | Q♦J♦ | 1,265,000(51 BB) |
JC John Costiniano | A♦9♦ | 1,715,000(69 BB) |

Day 2
Final 9 Players

Player | Chips |
AP Anastasios Pavlou | 2,475,000(99 BB) |
JC John Costiniano | 2,270,000(91 BB) |
EA Edgar Asehan | 1,355,000(54 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 1,330,000(53 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 620,000(25 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 575,000(23 BB) |
BE Benjamin Ebarle | 570,000(23 BB) |
JM Jason Magbanua | 300,000(12 BB) |
BM Benjamin Mangaliman | 280,000(11 BB) |
More Chips For The Leader
Race leader John Costiniano opens 50,000 then calls button Seonghun Jeong's 160,000 three-bet. Flop J♦ A♦ 9♥ sees more chips in the pot with Costiniano check-calling 80,000. The turn 7♠ , Costiniano leads out 220,000, Jeong gives up his hand.
Player | Chips |
JC John Costiniano | 2,500,000(100 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 605,000(24 BB) |
Ryan Platon Ends In 13th Place - PHP 332,000

Ryan Platon three-bets all in for 300,000 and is called by initial raiser John Costiniano.
Player | Hand | Chips |
RP Ryan Platon | A♣3♣ | busted |
JC John Costiniano | T♦T♠ | 2,000,000(100 BB) |
Platon misses the board completely to fall in 13th place while Costiniano soars to 2,000,000.

Florencio Campomanes Rising

Utg John Costiniano opens 40,000, button Florencio Campomanes and big blind Guo Zhan Xi defend their positions. Flop comes 2♥ A♠ K♣ , Costiniano continues for another 40,000, only Campomanes joins for a turn card 4♣ . Costiniano checks it, Campomanes fires 90,000 which is enough for Costiniano to fold.
Player | Chips |
JC John Costiniano | 1,600,000(80 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 1,000,000(50 BB) |
GZ Guo Zhan Xi | 155,000(8 BB) |
Hernan Villa Dominated Out In 15th Place - PHP 288,000

Hernan Villa opens 40,000, John Costiniano three-bets 105,000, Villa jams and gets called. At the showdown, Villa is dominated then leaves in 15th place.
Player | Hand | Chips |
HV Hernan Villa | T♦T♣ | busted |
JC John Costiniano | K♦K♠ | 1,660,000(104 BB) |
Chip Counts Table 18
Player | Chips |
JC John Costiniano | 820,000(51 BB) |
BE Benjamin Ebarle | 700,000(44 BB) |
HV Hernan Villa | 700,000(44 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 600,000(38 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 580,000(36 BB) |
RP Ryan Platon | 517,000(32 BB) |
RC Randee Clybouw | 240,000(15 BB) |
MC Minho Cho | 228,000(14 BB) |
Pot For Benjamin Ebarle

From utg, Benjamin Ebarle opens 24,000 and the blinds call. The flop 3♣ 4♠ 6♣ is checked around. The turn 2♠ sees a bet of 43,000 from Costiniano that's called. On the river 7♣ , blinds check, Ebarle bets 102,000, no callers.
Player | Chips |
JC John Costiniano | 703,000(59 BB) |
BE Benjamin Ebarle | 376,000(31 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 347,000(29 BB) |
Continuation Bet Wins John Costiniano The Pot

Button William Ysmael opens 25,000 then calls small blind John Costiniano's 95,000 re-raise. Off to the flop 5♠ 3♥ K♣ , Costiniano fires 66,000 and Ysmael surrenders his hand.
Player | Chips |
JC John Costiniano | 650,000(54 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 429,000(36 BB) |
Big Bets From John Costiniano

Guo Zhan Xi opens 20,000, Marius Zalpys calls, small blind John Costiniano three-bets 75,000, only Zalpys calls for a flop Q♣ K♦ 5♣ . Costiniano fires 55,000 and wins the pot with no further challenge.
Player | Chips |
MZ Marius Zalpys | 450,000(45 BB) |
JC John Costiniano | 425,000(43 BB) |
GZ Guo Zhan Xi | 260,000(26 BB) |
Triple Up For Short Stack Ebarle

Action packed preflop, John Costiniano opens 16,000, Benjamin Ebarle three-bets 31,000, Andrei Budyking four-bets 191,000 to successfully isolate.
Player | Hand | Chips |
BE Benjamin Ebarle | Q♠J♥ | 82,000(10 BB) |
JC John Costiniano | 405,000(51 BB) | |
AB Andrei Budykin | 6♠6♦ | 160,000(20 BB) |