Day 1B
Jason Magbanua Cleans Out Evgeny Strotenko

Evgeny Strotenko three-bets all in and initial raiser Jason Magbanua calls.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JM Jason Magbanua | 7♣7♠ | 305,000(76 BB) |
ES Evgeny Strotenko | A♦Q♣ | busted |
Facing a raise and a three-bets, cutoff Minho Cho four-bets all in for 50,000, small blind Evgeny Strotenko five-bets all in for 78,500, initial raisers fold and Cho calls.
Player | Hand | Chips |
MC Minho Cho | Q♣Q♠ | 125,000(42 BB) |
ES Evgeny Strotenko | A♥Q♦ | 28,500(10 BB) |
Day 1A
George Salud Rails Strotenko
Evegeny Strotenko three-bets it all and George Salud quickly calls.
Player | Hand | Chips |
GS George Salud | Q♦Q♣ | 107,000(134 BB) |
ES Evgeny Strotenko | A♦T♣ | busted |
Evegeny Strotenko Rails Hyunjoon Joo
Evgeny Strotenko opens 1200, cutoff raises 3000, big blind Hyunjoon Joo goes all in for less and Strotenko calls for a three-way to the flop A♦ 2♦ 3♦ . Strotenko bets 5000, cutoff folds to take the side pot.
Player | Hand | Chips |
ES Evgeny Strotenko | A♥T♣ | 33,000(55 BB) |
HJ Hyunjoon Joo | K♠9♠ | busted |
The turn 2♥ seals the win with Joo drawing dead.
Evgeny Strotenko Calls Every Street
From cutoff Evgeny Strotenko calls Kunlong Yu's open then calls down bets of 1000, 2000, 5000 on each street of a board 4♥ 6♥ 9♦ 7♥ K♦ . Yu mucks on the river, Strotenko doesn't need to show.
Player | Chips |
ES Evgeny Strotenko | 52,000(130 BB) |
KY Kunlong Yu | 12,100(30 BB) |
George Salud Triple Barrels For The Pot
George Salud opens 1200 and heads to the flop 4♥ 9♠ Q♠ with two callers. Salud c-bets 2600 and only big blind Evgeny Strotenko wants to go to the turn A♣ . Salud fires 6000 and this time takes the pot uncontested.
Player | Chips |
ES Evgeny Strotenko | 49,000(123 BB) |
GS George Salud | 35,600(89 BB) |
Top Two for Evgeny Strotenko
Three players check the flop 8♦ 4♠ 2♠ , Feng Zhao leads out 2200 on the turn Q♥ with only Evegny Strotenko calling. Zhao fires again on the river J♥ , Strotenko calls the 9700 bet. Zhao has K♠ Q♣ top pair which is no good against Strotenko's Q♠ J♣ two pair.
Player | Chips |
ES Evgeny Strotenko | 37,200(93 BB) |
FZ Feng Zhao | 11,000(28 BB) |